Yosemite Mail and problems with legacy IMAP accounts
I'm having 10+ IMAP accounts on different hosts, apart from my icloud and gmail accounts.
When any of the accounts that are not icloud or gmail is active, Mail freezes in the process of collecting IMAP folders from the servers, updating deleted mails or sent mails etc. etc.
Bringing up the activity window just shows some fifteen to twenty blue progress bars, all at a 100% they stay there...
The only way to get my mails is to restart Mail most of the time by force quitting it.
I've tried to zap all preference and cache files, and disabling the accounts one by one (and having them activated one at a time) with no success.
I know it's in beta, and was prepared for a lot of programs not working. Like VMWare Fusion unable to launch, and FileMaker slowing down to snail pace, but I expected that at least Apples home grown apps were working.
The upside of all these hassles is that looking for a mail alternative i found MailMate (after having tried out several others), and after using it a day and a half, I can conclude that this is what Mail should have been like
I will give Mail one more try when we get the final release of Yosemite though, but I will probably stick with MailMate as well.