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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
i've been using Entrouage for a while now, but am curious about switching to mail and iCal instead. i've recently upgraded to Panther and have the newest versions of both. which programs are better and why?
I used to use Entourage, but I switched to Mail. IMO Entourage is still the better mail app (Hello! HTML Mail!), but I wanted the ability to iSync my contacts etc, so it just made sence for me to "switch" ;)
Originally posted by edesignuk
I used to use Entourage, but I switched to Mail. IMO Entourage is still the better mail app (Hello! HTML Mail!), but I wanted the ability to iSync my contacts etc, so it just made sence for me to "switch" ;)

Hello! Mail 1.3! :p
I agree. Mail is superior in every way - except that I can't use it for my Hotmail and earthlink accounts. Fix that, and I'll happily leave Entourage behind.
Re: mail vs. entourage

Originally posted by acrobat
i've been using Entrouage for a while now, but am curious about switching to mail and iCal instead. i've recently upgraded to Panther and have the newest versions of both. which programs are better and why?

I'm not a fan of the address book in Mail. It doesn't have enough fields, e.g., for birthdays (notes are not enough). It's a bit too rudimentary.
i've always been a die hard entourage fan....however...

recently i found some programs to easily move your mailboxes back and forth from mail to entourage or entourage to i thought i'd give mail a try.

as far as email goes...i like entourage slightly far as contact list i like entourage...only slightly far as calendar goes i like ical way way i've been just using the apple apps instead of entourage...and since i think it is just slightly better now in those other areas...the apple app experience is better all around...

but try it out ...each for a week or so and decide.
Originally posted by howard
i've always been a die hard entourage fan....however...

recently i found some programs to easily move your mailboxes back and forth from mail to entourage or entourage to i thought i'd give mail a try.

as far as email goes...i like entourage slightly far as contact list i like entourage...only slightly far as calendar goes i like ical way way i've been just using the apple apps instead of entourage...and since i think it is just slightly better now in those other areas...the apple app experience is better all around...

but try it out ...each for a week or so and decide.
I just recently switched and I'm very dissapointed in Entourage and Mail. Office XP lets you use MS Word as an Email editor and I can generate real HTML email which looks a ton better than rich text or whatever. It seems like MS purposefully crippled the Mac version of Office. Why do all the fonts look like Mac OS 9? It's almost like they've never heard of anti-aliasing anything. I may have to get a copy of Virtual PC just to run Office in because so far my 30 day trial of Office X has sucked the big one.
Originally posted by edesignuk
Unless I'm blind, you still cannot compose in HTML, yes it can read it, but I want to be able to compose with it. Mail is either plain text or rich text, not HTML AFAIK. :confused:

Ah, you didn't make that clear. Yes, it doesn't allow you to compose in HTML, but it handles it a heck of a lot better than before.
That first link apparently did not post right, so I'll just post the info, forget the first link, just go to:

download MailPictures 2.4 (3.0beta for Panther users)

and follow these instructions:

Those of us who have tried to email HTML for display in a recipient's email client know how futile the effort is. Generally, only custom or specialized apps can modify the MIME headers of outgoing messages in the precise way to make the body of the email the HTML source code, rather than just contents to be reformatted into HTML colors, sizes and entities. Now most people use MailPictures (referenced in a previous hint, but that download link is no longer valid) to add X-Faces and custom photos to their emails within, but there is also a (new and slightly obscured) feature that allows you to send raw HTML emails -- gloriously welcome for those who need to test or send out such HTML newsletters for themselves.

Here's what to do:

1.Install MailPictures 2.4

2.Open the MailPictures settings under Mail -> Preferences -> MailPictures (this may be offscreen under the » toolbar icon)

3.Check "Enable MailPictures" and select the Advanced tab

4.Check "Show Options in Compose Window"

Next time you create a new mail message, you will see three checkboxes: Add Mailpicture, Add X-Face, and -- taadaa! -- Message is raw HTML. Enjoy!
Originally posted by Foxer
I agree. Mail is superior in every way - except that I can't use it for my Hotmail and earthlink accounts. Fix that, and I'll happily leave Entourage behind.

I currently use Mail with my earthlink account with no problems. :confused:

Though I don't know about hotmail.
I use Entourage for calendar and tasks only. It syncs with my PDA using PocketMac. iCal looks pretty, but feature-wise it's stone-age. No categories, no priorities, no sorting...

Entourage lacks's junk mail filtering, and Microsoft seems to be waffling on how/whether they want to implement spam filtering. The new Threading feature in is helpful, too.

I'd like it if would open the next message after I delete a message, and/or have next/previous buttons. It would save time.

I've tried a couple revisions of Mail (including the one that came with Panther), and I've tried Entourage; but I still prefer Thunderbird (Mozilla) mail. I find I prefer its way of handling multiple IMAP accounts. Maybe if I only had POP3 accounts it wouldn't matter so much - but it seems to be the only mail app that really understands IMAP (okay there's Pine, but come on...). It is a memory pig though, so it's not a good candidate for an older machine.

For calendaring I really like iCal.
Originally posted by joshuwa72
what accounts do you use mail with???

My mail server at work does not allow relaying, so spammers are kept out. The problem is that I could not get Entourage to authenticate to my server to send to a different domain unless it was in the relay table. With Mail I can, so answer all my work mail using the .Mac servers. Slick for me. So to answer your question, ANY account as far as I know. I REALLY like Entourage, though. Oh, and I'm having a bit of trouble UNDERSTANDING Mail. I have 3 main computers, and two are set to leave a copy, but they ALL leave a copy unless I go into Entourage and clear it out. But that's probobly a brain cramp on my part.
Re: Re: mail vs. entourage

Originally posted by Le Big Mac
I'm not a fan of the address book in Mail. It doesn't have enough fields, e.g., for birthdays (notes are not enough). It's a bit too rudimentary.
Ah, you forgot to look young tadpole. Under the card menu, look in the Add Field submenu. You can add birthdates, maiden names, phonetic first and last names, and more!
Originally posted by Foxer
I agree. Mail is superior in every way - except that I can't use it for my Hotmail and earthlink accounts. Fix that, and I'll happily leave Entourage behind.

httpmail will allow you to receive hotmail using


mail forward x may solve your earthlink mail problem.

I've used httpmail with little problem for about a year.
That reminds me of: 1.) I should go to bed, and 2.) There's a script on VT called "Bushisms", it inserts a semi-random (real) quote by Mr. Prez. I should install that on my PB soon...
Sorry to reawake this thread up :D

I've just switcehed from Entourage to Mail, because the use of ical and Address books all nicely integrates which means my palm, phone and mac all nicely integrates.

The problem that I want to solve is mail on my pop3 server arent getting deleted when I recieve them in Mail. Is there a fix for this?
I use both, Entourage for work and works with our Exchange server. I use Mail for .mac and by BTinternet mail accounts. I must confess I prefer Mail, it does what I need, its junk mail filter is easy to use. I also find Mail slightly more nimble than Entourage.
Originally posted by Rumple666
That first link apparently did not post right, so I'll just post the info, forget the first link, just go to:

download MailPictures 2.4 (3.0beta for Panther users)

and follow these instructions:

Those of us who have tried to email HTML for display in a recipient's email client know how futile the effort is. Generally, only custom or specialized apps can modify the MIME headers of outgoing messages in the precise way to make the body of the email the HTML source code, rather than just contents to be reformatted into HTML colors, sizes and entities. Now most people use MailPictures (referenced in a previous hint, but that download link is no longer valid) to add X-Faces and custom photos to their emails within, but there is also a (new and slightly obscured) feature that allows you to send raw HTML emails -- gloriously welcome for those who need to test or send out such HTML newsletters for themselves.

Here's what to do:

1.Install MailPictures 2.4

2.Open the MailPictures settings under Mail -> Preferences -> MailPictures (this may be offscreen under the » toolbar icon)

3.Check "Enable MailPictures" and select the Advanced tab

4.Check "Show Options in Compose Window"

Next time you create a new mail message, you will see three checkboxes: Add Mailpicture, Add X-Face, and -- taadaa! -- Message is raw HTML. Enjoy!

I followed this tip. Thanks! I would really like to send a newsletter where I work, but the only options to generate html (I have no experience) is MS Word to make a webpage. How do I make sure that the files also appear? It seems that MailPictures will only allow you to import files that end in html, but MS Word creates a html file, AND a folder of files containg photos. Basically, how do I send an e-mail that will appear in html when people select it in their e-mail program? I have all the iApps, MS Office, InDesign. I also have access to GoLive at work but I have never used it. Can anyone give me a few pointers? Thanks!
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