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I still think Mail needs a little work...

In my PC days I was a big fan of Outlook Express since I didn't need all the calendar features of Outlook, and I was really bummed to find out there wasn't an OS X version of Outlook Express. Mail is okay, but Apple seems to be putting about as much effort into it as they are in Safari ATM.
I am having trouble sending out going emails in Mail, but not entourage. I just cant seem to send out any email i have no idea why- my ISP is and I use outgoing and incoming i recieve great but not send arg
We were using MS Outlook Express, but once we went to OS X we wanted to get away from it (partly because it started Classic every time).
Tried both Entourage and Mail. Wanted to go with Mail (partly to get away from MS), but was getting frustrated that our address books came over to Entourage so easily from OE, but not into Address Book for Mail. Maybe this was obvious, but it turns out if you just open Entourage, you can drag all your addresses from Entourage into Address Book.
Now we're happily using Mail. I like the junk mail filter and other functionality.
Originally posted by rma
We were using MS Outlook Express, but once we went to OS X we wanted to get away from it (partly because it started Classic every time).
Tried both Entourage and Mail. Wanted to go with Mail (partly to get away from MS), but was getting frustrated that our address books came over to Entourage so easily from OE, but not into Address Book for Mail. Maybe this was obvious, but it turns out if you just open Entourage, you can drag all your addresses from Entourage into Address Book.
Now we're happily using Mail. I like the junk mail filter and other functionality.

I'm not suyre if I completely understand. My undersanding ius that when you first openup Mail it will ask you if you want to transfer from another program. Is this function fairly easy to accomplish? Will the list of your E.Mail adresses that are in Entourage transfer to Mail? Or are you saying that Address Book works with Mail and provides that function? Is the program in the Dock with the @ icon?
Originally posted by Makyz
I am having trouble sending out going emails in Mail, but not entourage. I just cant seem to send out any email i have no idea why- my ISP is and I use outgoing and incoming i recieve great but not send arg

that's funny. i just switched from entourage to mail because of that exact problem. couldn't figure out what it was. anyway, it was the impetus i needed to give mail a chance. i must say, i really love the junk mail filter. entourage seems to soak up every piece of junk mail and spam on the face of the planet. i eventually realized that i really don't use all those extra features of entourage. i don't use the calendar at all. my only beef with mail is that it (like all of apple's apps) are real memory hogs. they really need to work on that.

my 2 cents...
Mail imports only your mailboxes (not addresses) from Outlook Express. Address Book (the @ on the dock) is what keeps your email addresses for Mail, and it doesn't easily import from Outlook Express (takes vCard or LDIF). But, what we did was import email addresses from Outlook Express into Entourage (easy, and Entourage is available as a demo I think), then have both Entourage and Address Book open, and just select all your addresses in Entourage and drag them into Address Book.
hooollllldddd up

mail seriusly hogs more memory than entourage???

helll ive been using mail for the specific reason that it doesnt seem to load up all these extra features i dont want\

i just want my email..

i always thought mail took up no memory oh jeez
Unless I'm misunderstanding the Activity Monitor, I just looked at Entourage and Mail and it looks like Entourage uses almost double as much real memory as Mail.

An odd side note -- I was getting about 50 spams a day before I switched to Mail (from Outlook Express), and that has gone down to about 2. Mail is great about putting things in the Junk box, but besides that it seems to have gotten me off spammers lists somehow -- I don't really believe that -- must just be coincidence.
mail problems

I was a big fan of Mail, but I've had massive problems with iSync, duplicating my events and contacts. I also find with Mail that when I receive html emails often the links are dead, but when I open in another program they're fine. Also my stepmother can't receive any emails I send from Mail - they come through as some un-openable image. HAd anyone else had these problems? This is my first post ever so I hope I didn't say anything not cool!
I've also had the problem where someone couldn't get a jpeg from me -- I thought it was just 'cause she was on AOL, but maybe it was my Mail program...
Originally posted by Foxer
I agree. Mail is superior in every way - except that I can't use it for my Hotmail and earthlink accounts. Fix that, and I'll happily leave Entourage behind.

I happen to be an Earthlink subscriber also. Are you saying that Earthlink is not compatible with Mail? If this is so, that might be the reason that I can't open Mail. I'm new to Panther also. The Mail program will only open from File, New message and then I have to do a force quit.

My wife thinks that my problem is that I don't have Entourage installed in X.
After using OE on Windows for a long time, it took a while to get used to composing emails without HTML. I really liked putting "click here" in an email rather than the full link (especially when the link is really long, like a specific Amazon book). But I did get used to it, so now I use Mail.

However, something that drives me nuts about Mail is that I can't even forward HTML email! Most recently, I got Travel Reservations in email, but couldn't send them off because everything was split up into attachments. And when Apple sends their deals via HTML email, I can't forward them to my friends!

So now I'm thinking of switching clients. I've been looking at Thunderbird, but I would like something that could integrate with Address Book. As far as Entourage vs. Mail, I use Mail, but probably not for long.
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