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macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2007
Use the Snow Leopard Installer to install a copy of Snow Leopard onto a USB hard drive. (For these purposes, don't just clone the SL DVD onto a hard drive.) Once it's installed, the same OS and applications will work on any Intel Mac that wasn't just released a few days ago.

It sounds like you've done quite a bit with modifying DVD Player, and I appreciate your experience. But the operating system isn't tailored to a particular computer. You could even remove your MBP's internal drive, place it in a USB enclosure, boot your MBA from it, and expect it to work perfectly.

NC MacGuy

macrumors 603
Feb 9, 2005
The good side of the grass.
^^^^^ After the obligatory file w. ? icon. I've swapped disks back and forth a bunch. You're not explaining to me anything I don't already know and seem to have a hard time grasping precisely what I'm writing. Maybe it's my ineptitude in being concise.

Regardless, I'm going to let this die.

Impress me and explain how to boot my MBA in 64 bit mode.:p


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2005
Never Ender
Good News!

I decided to update to 10.6.1 today, just it give it another shot. And to my surprise, the update worked. Everything is running great, no problems. I don't know what it was, maybe the SMC update first then 10.6.1 or just me getting rid of SMC Fancontrol on launch, but the computer is running great. Thanks for your help everybody!
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