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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 16, 2006
So, I'm in the market for an iPad 64GB 3G. I was planning on just ordering online through Apple's website, but was starting to get skittish as to whether or not I would actually receive it in time for my vacation (second week of June). So, I decided to start checking online with the Best Buy locator.

I didn't have any luck until today. My nearest Best Buy with an Apple-Store inside is about an hour away, and they had my model in stock (according to the website). I promptly called and am greeted by a lady that obviously hated her life. I asked, "Do you have any iPa-" and was given a stern 'no.' I said, "Oh, well, I saw on the website tha--" and was interrupted with "We haven't received any yet. Thank you" and she hung up on me! Awesome! I then decided not to purchase my iPad from Best Buy.

So, I called my nearest Apple Store (Green Hills, Nashville). They are about two hours away, and I had not wanted to buy one from there...Tennessee Sales Tax is much higher than mine in KY (about a 3% difference). However, I gave them a call. The employee was very nice, and allowed me to put my name on the reservation list over the phone. He said that I would receive an email, and would have until closing time the following business day to pick up my iPad. I'm pumped! He said there were 'a ton' of people on the waiting list, but that it could be 'tomorrow, or next week' as they are getting shipments in every day. Seems like the typical response judging from what I've read on this forum over the past week or so.

With that said, if you are in Nashville and need a 64GB WiFi version, they are in stock at Green Hills.


UPDATE: Oh, the Irony!

Bahaha, so, I checked the Best Buy inventory again after my class let out. I noticed that the Best Buy store mentioned above no longer has stock. Surprise! However, another store did! So, I called this one up and was greeted by a very friendly fella'. I asked if he could hold one for me (again, about an hour and a half away...). He put me on hold and said, "Well, I'm not really supposed to- but I don't care... what's your information? I'll hold it for you until the end of the day."

Looks like I'm headed to -Best Buy- to purchase my iPad...At least Karma hasn't raised it's ugly head....yet....
I purposely went to an Apple store to get my iPad because the experience is so much better.

On a sidenote: who are all you technoids (it isn't just the OP I've noticed this with) who seem to live in the wilderness? What's with the BB and Apple stores being hours away? Do you even have running water? :D
Luckily I have a best buy locally but nearest apple store is 100 mi away. I use BB judiciously for certain things I need immediately. Otherwise, I use amazon.

BB is a tool to be used only when necessary. That girl needs to be fired. I don't care if yours was the 100th call that hour.
So, I'm in the market for an iPad 64GB 3G. I was planning on just ordering online through Apple's website, but was starting to get skittish as to whether or not I would actually receive it in time for my vacation (second week of June). So, I decided to start checking online with the Best Buy locator.

I didn't have any luck until today. My nearest Best Buy with an Apple-Store inside is about an hour away, and they had my model in stock (according to the website). I promptly called and am greeted by a lady that obviously hated her life. I asked, "Do you have any iPa-" and was given a stern 'no.' I said, "Oh, well, I saw on the website tha--" and was interrupted with "We haven't received any yet. Thank you" and she hung up on me! Awesome! I then decided not to purchase my iPad from Best Buy.

So, I called my nearest Apple Store (Green Hills, Nashville). They are about two hours away, and I had not wanted to buy one from there...Tennessee Sales Tax is much higher than mine in KY (about a 3% difference). However, I gave them a call. The employee was very nice, and allowed me to put my name on the reservation list over the phone. He said that I would receive an email, and would have until closing time the following business day to pick up my iPad. I'm pumped! He said there were 'a ton' of people on the waiting list, but that it could be 'tomorrow, or next week' as they are getting shipments in every day. Seems like the typical response judging from what I've read on this forum over the past week or so.

With that said, if you are in Nashville and need a 64GB WiFi version, they are in stock at Green Hills.


Your best buy experience sounded very close to mine this morning, same deal, website says they had them. Store says no. Doesn't even think to check in the back incase a shipment did come in......I called at 10am right when they opened.
On a sidenote: who are all you technoids (it isn't just the OP I've noticed this with) who seem to live in the wilderness? What's with the BB and Apple stores being hours away? Do you even have running water? :D

I'm an hour away from 3 Apple stores in Orlando, our BB is the smallest they build and doesn't carry Apple products. Apparently the one 23 miles (but 45 minutes) north carries them.

Apple Customer Care tried to find me a closer repair shop than the Apple Store... no go.

But heck, i've read that I live in a "Suburb" of Orlando!
B is a tool to be used only when necessary. That girl needs to be fired. I don't care if yours was the 100th call that hour.
She wouldn't have gotten away with it at the stores i worked at.... and if i was still there answering the phones would have been one of my jobs apparently with the last reorg they did.
I can't put in to words my hate for Best Buy and the Geek Squad. I've never encountered more uninformed and halfway-illiterate people in a single place in my life.
On a sidenote: who are all you technoids (it isn't just the OP I've noticed this with) who seem to live in the wilderness? What's with the BB and Apple stores being hours away? Do you even have running water? :D

hahah so i'm not the only one on here that notices that! there are at least 3 Apple Stores within an hour of where i live and several Best Buys within an hour as well.
Haha, yeah. I live in far western Kentucky. We do indeed have running water. In fact, I have had broadband now for for 7 or 8 years! I got my first pair of them-there shoes fo your frets yesturday, though.

Ha! Not sure if any of you follow NCAA Basketball... But the Murray State Racers that beat Vandy and nearly knocked off Butler... That's my home town and current university.

Nearest Best Buy is 40 minutes away... It sucks!
wow, im in the uk, so nowhere near as vast but apple stores arent in every town either, and i live in a small town which has 4 apple stores within an hour, the closest is probably 30 mins.

I'm about halfway between two best buys, maybe about 10-15 minutes to get to either. But I do love that I have an apple store not very far (just a few metres ;)) from my place of employment. It was fun looking out the window and seeing the iPhone lines for the 3GS release :)
its nice to be able to be within distance to go there on a whim...

i feel sorry for you guys who are like 3 hours each way from an apple store! :eek:

bet the lines were huuuggeeee, never experienced a product launch yet :(
BB customer service sucks up the wazoo. That's why on the rare chance I do buy something from there, I just grab and go. Many times have I witnessed a sales associate spewing wrong information at customers, makes me sick to the stomach.
I've had good and bad experiences at both Best Buy and Apple stores. This past weekend I was looking for a PogoSketch stylus to use for drawing. I read here that some Apple stores carry them. I went in, asked one of the guys who worked there and was told he never heard of them and that the store didn't carry them. He didn't check, even when I told him that I had heard they were kept in the back. I was looking at cases a few minutes later when another employee came over to see if I needed any help. I told him I was just browsing and really came into the store for the stylus. I was promptly told, oh yeah, we keep those in the back and he went and got me one.

I guess it's the luck of the draw on who you get at which store.
^^ How much was the stylus in the store? I'm not seeing it online and would rather not assume it's the same as the $3 Amazon prices :confused:
wow, im in the uk, so nowhere near as vast but apple stores arent in every town either, and i live in a small town which has 4 apple stores within an hour, the closest is probably 30 mins.

It is a lot easier to get to most places in the UK since it is a tiny island! :D

I'm not being a jerk--my husband is English, and we used to live there. But you have to remember the U.S. is HUGE. A lot of people don't live in the "wilderness" just because they don't have an Apple Store on the corner.
It is a lot easier to get to most places in the UK since it is a tiny island! :D

I'm not being a jerk--my husband is English, and we used to live there. But you have to remember the U.S. is HUGE. A lot of people don't live in the "wilderness" just because they don't have an Apple Store on the corner.

yeah know what you mean!!!! dont blame you for getting out of the uk though:mad:

i meant it makes you realise though, how far some would have to go in the us for an apple store
I live in Ogden, UT and the closest apple store is in SLC, UT which is about 40 min away from me I choose to skip the best buy 15 min away to purchase my ipad at the apple store. The next closest ape store to me would be in Las Vegas which is 500 miles away so Steve jobs you need to open up another apple store in Utah please. I'll even run it for you ha ha.
i have a few friends from my gym that work at BB. I get outstanding service from them....I was unable to be at the store when the 3G was released (5PM). They held my 64GB unit until 6:30. It was 5 minutes form me and I got it without issue and it was the very last iPad they had. It all comes down to who you know....

That said, my treatment at the Apple store has been excellent, but they are 30 minutes away from me.
Just so you know, not everybody is in love with Apple stores. I have 2 Apple store and several Best Buys within easy driving distance (<30 minutes) and will usually go to the Apple store only as a last resort. I suppose it is fine for 20 somethings, but those days are long past for me.
I have also had good service at BB. I was checking their online tool for 3G 64GB and found that one of the stores got them in today. Called the CS and told them to hold it for an hour. The guy held it for me and just picked it up. I have also had good service at the Apple Store. Now off to find a good case for it :)
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