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Also checked BB stock this morning and nothing, but checked again around 11am (must have just gotten a shipment in) and a 32GB 3G showed up at my nearest BB. I called to confirm they still had it, and was there in about 10 minutes. Sure beat the 1 wk+ wait Apple stores quoted me but I imagine BB stock is much more limited than Apple, just have to get lucky there.
Haha, yeah. I live in far western Kentucky. We do indeed have running water. In fact, I have had broadband now for for 7 or 8 years! I got my first pair of them-there shoes fo your frets yesturday, though.

Ha! Not sure if any of you follow NCAA Basketball... But the Murray State Racers that beat Vandy and nearly knocked off Butler... That's my home town and current university.

I am in Southern Illinois and drive to Murray quite often, actually used to work there. I am in the same boat you are. Nearest Apple store is in Nashville which is about 2-2.5 hours away and then next is STL which is about the same time. None of the Best Buys in the area carry Apple products. I was traveling 2 weeks ago and stopped in Knoxville to purchase an iPad not knowing at the time of the supply shortage.
i do not care for BB but i really do not like the Apple store at all. at least at BB i expect them to be very poorly educated but i have never found anything close to a genius at the Apple store either.

i prefer buying my Apple products at a store called Microcenter but they are not carrying the iPad currently so i went to BB. also BB offers 18 months no interest :)

i tried to like the Apple store but every time i go there i hear them feeding nonsense to people at the genius bar and in my opinion offering poor recommendations. i went there again recently to buy another Mini and the $599 model said 128MB Video Ram and the $799 model was 256MB Video Ram. since the $599 has 1GB Physical Ram and the $799 had 2GB Physical Ram so i figured since its shared memory then putting 2GB+ in the $599 would give me the 256MB Video Ram but the sales person said that it would not and they were different cards. So we got the "Genius" bar involved and sure enough they agreed that adding memory would not give me the 256MB Video Ram. so i did not purchase it there and went to a real computer store down the street called Microcenter and the sales guy said yes adding memory will give you the same shard video ram as the $799 model and so i bought it and it worked fine.

that is only one of the stories i have been apart of or overheard at the Apple store.

no thanks

Bahaha, so, I checked the Best Buy inventory again after my class let out. I noticed that the Best Buy store mentioned above no longer has stock. Surprise! However, another store did! So, I called this one up and was greeted by a very friendly fella'. I asked if he could hold one for me (again, about an hour and a half away...). He put me on hold and said, "Well, I'm not really supposed to- but I don't care... what's your information? I'll hold it for you until the end of the day."

Looks like I'm headed to -Best Buy- to purchase my iPad...At least Karma hasn't raised it's ugly head....yet....

Bahaha, so, I checked the Best Buy inventory again after my class let out. I noticed that the Best Buy store mentioned above no longer has stock. Surprise! However, another store did! So, I called this one up and was greeted by a very friendly fella'. I asked if he could hold one for me (again, about an hour and a half away...). He put me on hold and said, "Well, I'm not really supposed to- but I don't care... what's your information? I'll hold it for you until the end of the day."

Looks like I'm headed to -Best Buy- to purchase my iPad...At least Karma hasn't raised it's ugly head....yet....

What Best Buy did you call? Since I am from the same area, maybe I could get the same luck.
Just avoid best buy sll together if possible. I aksed a sales person there if they sold the pogo sketch stylus for the iPad.

The sales person said they don't make them for the iPad chief it needs the heat from your finger
^ Lol, maybe it's his last day?

You're spot on. I heard a lot of noo, and they were quite unequivocal ;)

BTW, tying this on my brand new iPad that I picked up today at BB. Despite the complaints, my experience during my iPad hunt was largely very favorable

Congrats on your purchase! :D

I have access to countless BB and close to 10 Apple stores all within an hour or less away. I've come across good and bad customer service at both. So, I guess for me, I just end up going to the store that has what want.

The person who wasn't so nice on the phone might be tired of answering the same iPad questions all day.
Isn't this the best reason to just order online from Apple? A few clicks and just wait until it shows up at your door.

Possibly, but I ordered on May 13th and have an expected delivery date of June 2nd. If I could find one at an Apple Store tomorrow, I would rather have it now than wait until June.
If you educate yourself before you go anywhere to buy something, you do not have to rely on people who are clueless, lazy, having a bad day, or pushing something to make a commission. By doing so, when I go into either a BB or an Apple store, I can usually ignore all of the sales people. I have a BB about 5 minutes from my house and a Silver Reward Zone card, so I generally check there first. If not, the Apple store is about 15 minutes a way.
Yeah, I really wanted this before I went on vacation in mid-June. I am typing on the thing now and it is pretty good, I'm definitely happy with is so far. Typing is definitely going to take some getting used to, though.
Guess it varies.

The Best Buys around me were all very friendly and I called all three to ask which iPad cases they had in stock and they all politely answered my questions (they should, they are getting paid for it).

Anyone who shops in places like Best Buy should say "Okay, I will buy from any of you who give me $10 first."
Picked up my 3G 64GB from Best Buy in Fox Point, WI this evening. There were a number of stores in WI that had this model in today and all sold out quickly.

Employee in computers was not pushy at all on warranty, etc.. Which was a relief.

Sent from my iPad.
Picked up my 3G 64GB from Best Buy in Fox Point, WI this evening. There were a number of stores in WI that had this model in today and all sold out quickly.

Employee in computers was not pushy at all on warranty, etc.. Which was a relief.

Sent from my iPad.

Nice, I got a 16GB from there for $475 a few weeks back ;) (gotta love open items!)
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