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macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2013
Washington DC
Oh,my god, I finally find someone who has the same situation with me. My situation is not almost the same, it is exactly the same. My MacBook Pro is 2012 mid non-retina.

After the problem occurred, I tied to use command+option+r+p to reset PRAM. The first time the problem was fixed, but I restarted again, the problem was still there, and reset would never work.

I also tried clean install again, but it did not work.

I also tried the terminal entering the command above, it did not work as well.

I think it is not hardware related problem, because when I was using mavericks gm, everything was good. But after I installed the formal mavericks released two days ago, problem occurred. It may be a bug in new version system.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 21, 2013
Oh,my god, I finally find someone who has the same situation with me. My situation is not almost the same, it is exactly the same. My MacBook Pro is 2012 mid non-retina.

After the problem occurred, I tied to use command+option+r+p to reset PRAM. The first time the problem was fixed, but I restarted again, the problem was still there, and reset would never work.

I also tried clean install again, but it did not work.

I also tried the terminal entering the command above, it did not work as well.

I think it is not hardware related problem, because when I was using mavericks gm, everything was good. But after I installed the formal mavericks released two days ago, problem occurred. It may be a bug in new version system.

Dude I THINK on 593 or the GM1 version I wasn't having this issue. Did you also upgrade or do a clean install? I have a gut feeling that it's something in the stuff that was copied over during Migration Assistant. I'm getting ready to just do a clean install over the weekend and literally start fresh (i.e., only copy Documents, Music, Downloads, Pictures folders, but nothing else) and reinstall everything from scratch.

If you boot in verbose mode, does it also hang at the same place as me? "AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized"


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2013
Washington DC
Dude I THINK on 593 or the GM1 version I wasn't having this issue. Did you also upgrade or do a clean install? I have a gut feeling that it's something in the stuff that was copied over during Migration Assistant. I'm getting ready to just do a clean install over the weekend and literally start fresh (i.e., only copy Documents, Music, Downloads, Pictures folders, but nothing else) and reinstall everything from scratch.

If you boot in verbose mode, does it also hang at the same place as me? "AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized"

I did the clean install. And I thought the problem was related to some old configuration copied from the old system by the Migration Assistant. But but but, just now, I tried to clean install the system again, and only restored the documents and applications without computer&network configuration from Time Machine through Migration Assistant. The problem was still there!

I do not know how to boot in verbose mode, can you tell me?? I will have a try to see whether the output is the same with you.

I am thinking about a solution. That is, we clean reinstall the GM1(because in GM1, there is no problem), and upgrade directly from App Store. I am not sure if this solution will work.


I found out how to enter verbose mode, and did it.

I got the same result with yours: "AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized".

Is it the exact reason of the problem?
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 8, 2013
Hey guys, so I did a clean install of Mavericks from the final public release on the Mac App Store which I downloaded yesterday, and did Migration Assistant without copying over System settings.

Now, my MBPr is taking on average about 5+ minutes to boot up (I'm getting the spinning loading wheel with the Apple logo). I've booted into Safe mode to clear the dynamic loader shared cache, and sometimes it will reboot again rather quickly (around 5 seconds) and others it's back again to 5+ minutes. I then rebuilt the kernel extension caches, and this doesn't seem to actually do anything strangely (as this has been cited as a fix to slow boot times to much success.)

I've tried all sorts of different permutations of restarts, cold starts after a shutdown, and it almost seems like it's random. I then decided on turning on File Vault 2 to see if this might affect it somehow, and it doesn't: it's exactly the same. Getting to the File Vault login window is quick, but once it starts loading the OS, it goes back to the long load times. I've also repaired disk permissions, and still the same behavior.

Any ideas what this could be? I appreciate any help or suggestions on the manner. Thank you.

Try installing 10.9 on your machine again using APP Store. Make sure that you're not on wireless connection when doing this. May not be the best way as it will take you more time again but it's the best solution. Start clean as they say.


macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
Did you make a temporary test user account with nothing in the login items and launch deamons, launch agents, and startup folder (within the Library folder) etc? If it still hangs after that, then probably something driver or hardware related.

Also try all of this:


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2013
Washington DC
Hey, I tried a method to fix this problem. It doesn't 100% fix it, but it improves the problem a lot. My boot up time restores to within 20 seconds.

Since the problem occurred when I installed the Mavericks with USB disk(clean install), so I thought the problem may be fixed if I update to Mavericks directly through App Store.

So I downloaded the Mountain Lion again, and used USB disk to install the Mountain Lion. After that, I tested the boot up time in Mountain Lion, it is normal, very quick! So I updated to Mavericks directly by downloading the Mavericks from App Store and Installing.

In this way, my boot up time restored, not 100% as same as in Mountain Lion, not that quick actually. But I can make it within 15-20 seconds which is acceptable. I am not sure if it is stable, so I will keep checking it.

Hope it will help you fix it.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 21, 2013
^^Cool, I was thinking of that as a last resort. First I'll try a fresh install, then how from there.


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2013
Washington DC
^^Cool, I was thinking of that as a last resort. First I'll try a fresh install, then how from there.

In my case, fresh install did not fix it at all.

I think because if we update to Mavericks directly, the boot up files do not change, using the same configuration as Mountain Lion. But if we do fresh install, the boot up files will be replaced. I think this is the reason and I still think it is a bug in new system.

Anyway, this is what I did and succeeded, good luck!


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 21, 2013
In my case, fresh install did not fix it at all.

I think because if we update to Mavericks directly, the boot up files do not change, using the same configuration as Mountain Lion. But if we do fresh install, the boot up files will be replaced. I think this is the reason and I still think it is a bug in new system.

Anyway, this is what I did and succeeded, good luck!

Hmmm, so by that token theoretically if one were to fresh install ML, then immediately download in upgrade to mavericks through Mac App Store, it should be ok, right?


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 21, 2013
A full blown format and starting from scratch seems to fix it

Hey guys so posting here to close the discussion (at least on my end), but over the weekend I proceeded to do another format and install of Mavericks from scratch, but this time I had not used Migration Assistant at all, and was only copying over important folders like Documents, Downloads, Movies, Music, etc., but nothing more.

This seems to have done it. It was a pain in the ass to reinstall all my programs but at the same time a blessing in disguise since I was able to trim down my installation from a lot of crap that I was never using.

Performance wise? Mavericks has injected my MBPr with some extra juice since it really does seem like it's taking advantage across the board of a lot of tech (64 bits, the new animations, power nap, etc.) and it seems overall faster for me than it was on ML. Again, this is on a fresh install, but it even seems somewhat snappier than it was when I had migrated my info over from before.

Thank you all for your immense help, as I learned many things in this thread, including booting in verbose mode, which I've just left and think it looks cool, while also actually being somewhat useful if it were to hang again.


macrumors newbie
Feb 23, 2014
I found a faster way to solve this

Hey guys so posting here to close the discussion (at least on my end), but over the weekend I proceeded to do another format and install of Mavericks from scratch, but this time I had not used Migration Assistant at all, and was only copying over important folders like Documents, Downloads, Movies, Music, etc., but nothing more.

This seems to have done it. It was a pain in the ass to reinstall all my programs but at the same time a blessing in disguise since I was able to trim down my installation from a lot of crap that I was never using.

Performance wise? Mavericks has injected my MBPr with some extra juice since it really does seem like it's taking advantage across the board of a lot of tech (64 bits, the new animations, power nap, etc.) and it seems overall faster for me than it was on ML. Again, this is on a fresh install, but it even seems somewhat snappier than it was when I had migrated my info over from before.

Thank you all for your immense help, as I learned many things in this thread, including booting in verbose mode, which I've just left and think it looks cool, while also actually being somewhat useful if it were to hang again.

I had this problem just an hour ago with my Macbook Air. And I figured out that there was a crashed application holding the booting process so I just removed it and now my boot time is less than 10s.

Here's what I did:
Go to Console and search for crashed.
Mine looked like this
2/23/14 6:53:53.081 PM[271]: (com.Logitech.Control Center.Daemon[331]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11

I removed the Logitech Control Center and it fixed the problem.

P/s: I found that many applications are damaged after using Migration tools. I cannot use my Adobe Suit nor Amazon Kindle app.


macrumors newbie
Aug 13, 2014
Maverick bootime

Hey guys, so I did a clean install of Mavericks from the final public release on the Mac App Store which I downloaded yesterday, and did Migration Assistant without copying over System settings.

Now, my MBPr is taking on average about 5+ minutes to boot up (I'm getting the spinning loading wheel with the Apple logo). I've booted into Safe mode to clear the dynamic loader shared cache, and sometimes it will reboot again rather quickly (around 5 seconds) and others it's back again to 5+ minutes. I then rebuilt the kernel extension caches, and this doesn't seem to actually do anything strangely (as this has been cited as a fix to slow boot times to much success.)

I've tried all sorts of different permutations of restarts, cold starts after a shutdown, and it almost seems like it's random. I then decided on turning on File Vault 2 to see if this might affect it somehow, and it doesn't: it's exactly the same. Getting to the File Vault login window is quick, but once it starts loading the OS, it goes back to the long load times. I've also repaired disk permissions, and still the same behavior.

Any ideas what this could be? I appreciate any help or suggestions on the manner. Thank you.

Hi, I have the same problem and did not find any ideas which work. Could you solve the problem?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
It's a MacBook Pro Retina, sorry if it wasn't too clear in the first post, so 100% SSD. And yeah, I'm thinking of just reinstalling the OS on top of itself in a bit, and if it still goes on it must have something to do with my previous stuff transferred from Migration Assistant.

If that's the case, I have two options: reinstall Mavericks clean and just literally start from scratch (which will suck), OR, wipe the drive clean, install ML again, do migration assistant of my ML backup, and then just do an upgrade from ML again. Hmmmm....

It's not impossible for an SSD to have problems you know.. and they DO have SMART status even on SSD.. Use Onyx to check it.


Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
Hi, I have the same problem and did not find any ideas which work. Could you solve the problem?

What I found on my Mavericks "upgrade" is when I found the free little program EtreCheck and run it. The program showed in red what "services" where running that we're not compatible in 10.9.x and their locations to delete those services. After deleting them and restarting my 10.9.x starting running like a champ.


macrumors newbie
Aug 13, 2014
What I found on my Mavericks "upgrade" is when I found the free little program EtreCheck and run it. The program showed in red what "services" where running that we're not compatible in 10.9.x and their locations to delete those services. After deleting them and restarting my 10.9.x starting running like a champ.

Thanks for that valuable info. My report shows in red: Gatekeeper: Anywhere, do not know what this is. And Flashplayer outdated...

BTW: what i experienced in the meantime: In verbose mode I recognized system failed unmounting some devices during shutdown process. Cannot see exactly what, because this verbose shutdown screen runs like hell...

As conclusion i made the following:

So I made a hard shutdown pushing 5 sec on/off switch. After this hard shutdown it started the mac in 5 seconds, like, as you say, like a champ.
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