I'm sorry, but the OP needs a reality check. So, just saying your theory is correct, what about the people who already purchased the new 27"? Apple does not just add new features in an existing line and burn the other customers. The current line was just intro'd in October. Do yourself a favor and let the Blu Ray go. If Apple changes their mind then so be it, but let it go, like the Cut N Paste in Finder. Some things you need to just let go of and move on.
If Apple wants or needs to introduce BRD then it will. They have never shown loyalty in any way to their exisiting customer base when announcing new models.... October 09 launch or not.
a few thoughts on this, bearing in mind that Apple are basically a consumer level media centric company.
1/ BRD is the default HD optical format.
2/ Apple have been board members of the BDA since 2005.... and still don't support it.
3/ iTunes content is not even close to BRD quality.
4/ Lots of customers want it.
5/ BRD playback is possible on Linux and Windows.
Most people have thought that Apple weren't at the forefront of new tech for some time now. This kinda confirms it...
I understand the desire to push digital downloads and not having BRD as standard but why not as an option or as a MBA style superdrive?
HD content on big TV screens that iCon mentioned years ago is still driven by optical media.
The embarrassing failure that is Apple TV should have told him that.
what message does it give out....
'want cutting edge HD tech?'
buy Windows.