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macrumors member
Mar 29, 2007
I think the price of the MBA is not worth what you get. Yeah its small and ultra portable, but jeez.. thats a lot of money.. at least to preorder anyway..


macrumors 65816
Jan 9, 2008
The first thing I thought when I saw it- well, two things at once, really.

First, "2400c."

Then, "you're ****ing sh*tting me right? 'Macbook Air?" It sounds like a drink. Or a shoe.

Then I saw the "Air" on the laptop. It's a little surreal. It just seems like such a .. cheap name, I guess. I don't know how else to put it.

As for its being revolutionary... are you serious? The original PowerBook G4 debuted nearly seven years ago at 1" thick. . . this is 24% thinner. That's... not a huge leap, given we've gone from using a .25 micron to a .065 micron process... and hardly more than 3x the frequency (although admittedly, with two cores and a transition from 1MB SRAM L2 to 2MB on-chip). The PowerBook had a graphics card, too.

I'd say TAM was revolutionary... or at least, could have been. I suppose it was foreshadowing for the G5 iMac ;)

I'd agree with another poster who said Apple's a wait-and-see company.. they're basically the Romans. They see what's good, then they improve upon it, but unlike the Romans, their PR machine is always in full swing; they pretend they've invented the wheel- not reinvented it. =]


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2007
Indiana, USA
Perhaps because of all the 12 inch PowerBook users who whine that the MacBook Pro is too big - but the MacBook isn't shiny enough for them. Well - they got what they were asking for...

Now the only question is how long before the MacBook Pro gets restyled to match. Apple didn't do it now because they don't want to distract people from the MBA. Sooner or later though...

I think the only thing with this is that the PowerBook users want a replacement. The Air lacks the video power to do what most users want. The majority of things I saw pre-MWSF favored a smaller MBP. Instead we got a shiny smaller MB. Which is okay, but Apple would sell a lot more if that little guy had some power behind it.


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2003
I love the idea of getting rid of the opti drive etc... I think a lot of those things are going to be obsolete soon but it would be nice to improve something else as a result. For instance take these things out of the MB/MBP but maybe make it a lot faster, or bigger hard drives, or run cooler, or drop the price.

If by "soon" you mean like 10 years from now then yes. As longs as software, movies, games, and music are coming out on CD/DVD you can damn well bet that optical discs will be around for a while.

Also the MBP isn't for cutesy little petite designs that are nice and minimal (the MBA). MBPs are supposed to be powerful and, well, pro.

The MBA plays the Wii, eats tofu, and drives a Yaris. The MBP plays PS3/360, eats steak, and drives a BMW/Porsche/Audi.

I can't understand the "minimalists". You pay twice as much and get less than half.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2006
I think the only thing with this is that the PowerBook users want a replacement.

Apple does and ultra compact that is perfectly adequate for most 12 inch PowerBook users I've ever met. Its called the iPod Touch. I'm just waiting for somebody to do a micro-keyboard that it can be plugged into.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2004
London, UK
I have come to the conclusion that the MBA is some sort of tech showcase for Apple- it has to be. No one is talking about it though- anyone else thought this?

I agree that its a technological showcase, but are you seriously saying that no one is talking about it? This is probably one of Apples most controversial products yet. I can't remember another product that has evoked such love/hate responses on this forum!

Judging by the amount of emails I have received from colleagues whom know I use Macs, I would say allot of people are talking about it...




macrumors 6502a
Aug 7, 2007
Personally I think the MacBook Air is how Apple envisions the future.
Sales figures will tell us how it appeals to people. I personally think its revolutionary and we will be see a whole lot more things this year from Apple relating to the wireless world.

It certainly is not revolutionary. I mean c'mon seriously people, revolutionary?!?!

It what way will this change your life that a MB could not? Save all that wear and tear on your arm from carrying a 1lb less? PLEASE WAKE UP.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2004
London, UK
Apple does and ultra compact that is perfectly adequate for most 12 inch PowerBook users I've ever met. Its called the iPod Touch. I'm just waiting for somebody to do a micro-keyboard that it can be plugged into.

You cannot be serious?! I am in more shock and awe than even Bush could generate with that statement! :rolleyes:



macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2008
IMHO it is not enough of an improvement on the MB to persuade current Mac owners to switch but it might tempt some newbies to buy it for the "wow" factor.

Most of the MacHeads here are looking at the specs (which do not compare well to the MB)- the average user is going to walk into the Mac Store and go on looks, and the hype they have heard.

In a year from now the MBA will probably be a very good machine and very popular, but I will stick with my MB for a while yet.


macrumors 68030
Nov 18, 2006
Why doesn't anyone understand that some don't need a beefy super-powerful laptop?

Take me for instance... I have a 24" iMac. Because of this, I don't need oomph in my laptop. I want to take it outside, sit on the sofa with it on my lap, take it on trips where the TWO POUND difference adds up at every turn, shove it in my bag/luggage where it won't take up any bulk, not burn my legs off.
I have power in my iMac. This will be a secondary computer and with 2 memory, is going to be plenty fast for me.

This is a great secondary computer and further even if the sole computer, is plenty for the average user. I suggest the demographic here isn't representative of who is going to buy this. It does seem those complaining have one computer (mostly MBP), and fail to consider the situations of others. I contend this will sell like crazy and have a problem with blanket statements assuming these buyers are ignorant or just want something pretty. It's a darned nice computer and is going to blow away those in it's same class.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 25, 2007
I agree that its a technological showcase, but are you seriously saying that no one is talking about it?

I just meant I haven't seen many threads on what Apple's goal with the MBA was- people are definitely talking about it but half are saying it sucks compared to the MB and the other half are saying its the best laptop ever and they are going to buy 8 of them. What people aren't talking about so much is that maybe Apple knows this isn't going to sell and maybe it isn't supposed to sell.

Why doesn't anyone understand that some don't need a beefy super-powerful laptop?

Thats what the 1 inch thick MB is for at 700 bucks less.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2004
London, UK
What people aren't talking about so much is that maybe Apple knows this isn't going to sell and maybe it isn't supposed to sell.

I don't think even a company like Apple could convince their shareholders to produce a product thats not meant to sell. I would have to imagine that your argument is that its a research project designed to filter new technologies through other product lines. Unlikely I would say. I also think Intel would be a little less interested in swinging behind this project if the intention was NOT to sell any product.

If the product sells well or not I guess we will have to wait and see. If they discontinue it due to poor sales, then I for one will be extremely happy I bought it before that happened. :)




macrumors member
Oct 8, 2006
The MBA is going after the female market!

Wake up folks. The MBA is going to be hot, hot, hot with the women.

My wife and lots of women at work can't stop talking about it. Techies (mostly guys) get all riled up about firewire, optical drives, etc.......the chicks just want something slim and sexy (like they envision themselves). Slip this sucker in your D&B (or whatever is currently hot) and bob's your uncle.

I've never, ever heard as many women talk about a new mac product.

This is going to be a big hit in a "new" market.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2007
South Florida
I think its a trick.. it is a trick... its a conspiracy... this is obvious... its a part of the tiered approach to marketing. How difficult would it have been to include a firewire port or a mini firewire port? So 3 months from now expect that with some sort of HSDPA solution with AT&T. Heck this thing can't really be called Air without 3G... its a con... a con I tell ya. The fashionistas will get a good 3 months of bragging rights with this thing. Only to then start whining like characters from Les Miserables after their low end status symbol gets diminished when the next model comes out with a price reduction.

Hey I'm getting one for free... but I swear I'll hate every minute of having it. That won't stop me from going to business meetings, coffee shops, libraries and every damn spot I can show it off at and bragging about how great it is and that I don't any more damn features... because of course we all know only poor people need more features.


macrumors 68030
Nov 18, 2006
I've not used an ethernet jack in 3.5 years.

In my dream, I plan on using my 3g iPhone to wirelessly tether my MBA. :) It can do it now via hack so IMO, my dream is real.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2008
You cannot be serious?! I am in more shock and awe than even Bush could generate with that statement! :rolleyes:


You know it's true! Theres more to the MBA than just an ultraportable. Didn't you watch the keynote?


macrumors newbie
Jan 18, 2008
I think the poster was dead on in commenting about how the MBA will be popular with women. I also think it will be really popular overseas, in Asia for example, where style and electronics seem to be more hand in hand.
I saw a commercial for Tough Books a few hours ago and it became even more clear that the MBA is looking to fill a niche in mobile computing. Its obviously not as capable as many on here would like it to be, but it is a start.

Overall, the face of mobile computing will be changing with SSDs, but obviously those need a lot more time to come down in price. Perhaps in 18mos those will become standard features, and paired with tiny and powerful processors Apples mobile computing line will be vastly different by then. I also believe the time is coming where we will see 24 hour battery life in a battery like the one on MBA.


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2003
It certainly is not revolutionary. I mean c'mon seriously people, revolutionary?!?!

It what way will this change your life that a MB could not? Save all that wear and tear on your arm from carrying a 1lb less? PLEASE WAKE UP.

Bawhahaha yes! I know! I love how they complain now about how "big" and "bulky" the MBP is. I mean God forbid they'd have to use the super colossal MacBook.

Seriously, I don't get it. Where is this market that wants the absolute least equipment necessary for it to be considered a "computer"?

No optical drive/ethernet port/any actual useful ports and only 1 USB port? Come on! And now we hear complaints that 13" is too big of a screen? A micro-keyboard that is also separate from the actual computer!? What's wrong with you people?


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2005
This is a great secondary computer and further even if the sole computer, is plenty for the average user.

Couldn't agree more. The MBA does more than enough for the average user. Most use it for email, surfing, word processing, nothing more... yet the MBA is capable of so much more.

It is by no means underpowered or under-featured. Think of it, Apple has not cut down on things, they have taken out what they think is not needed. They were the first to chop the floppy, and now the first to bin the optical drive. Who knows, in a couple of years we may see an iMac with no optical drive.

I think the MBA is perfectly featured, and aimed at the mobile pro, or as a second computer for a desktop owner. Being very capable though, it will also be bought and happily used as a lot of users' only computer.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2007
couldn't agree more... it really is what apple see's as the "future"

If flash keeps dropping on average at 60% per year (by one analyst) then its only a matter of time before we start to see MacBooks and MacBook Pro's become thinner with less moving parts.

Personally, when I update/upgrade this laptop, it'll be when flash is the standard and the graphics card is that new one Intel is going to release which include some major improvements (4000 series IIRC, I can't remember the code name though).
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