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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 11, 2004
I've been using ProTools LE with my mBox and PowerBook, with fine results. However the time it takes to set everything up, and the complications of ProTools make it such an endeavor just to record something simple.

I like the pre-Amps on my mBox (digidesign). Will Garage Band support this? Anyone know?

It's a USB based pre-Amp much like the M-Audio one.


maybe try taking it to your local apple store after 1/15 or whatever and see if they'll let you try it out and see what happens?

Just a thought. It says Chicago so figured they had one nearby somewhere
Re: mBox and Garage Band

Originally posted by rahul_patwari
I've been using ProTools LE with my mBox and PowerBook, with fine results. However the time it takes to set everything up, and the complications of ProTools make it such an endeavor just to record something simple.

I like the pre-Amps on my mBox (digidesign). Will Garage Band support this? Anyone know?

It's a USB based pre-Amp much like the M-Audio one.



I too use an mBox with PTLE - (have you tried Reason with this combo? It's a blast - limits the no of pro tools tracks though)

I won't know for sure if the mBox will play nicely with GarageBand till i get my copy later today.

I am very optimistic though - we should be able to just enable it through system prefs and it also is listed in the Apple store under GarageBand accessories.

Time will tell :D

It Should....

I believe the core audio update that digi posted a while back allowed all apps to use the mbox's IO. I use it with a few other analyzation programs personally without a problem. Of course, it's Digi, so who knows really...
My guess would be that it's fine to use the mbox with GB. After all, you can get it to be your audio I/O for a number of other apps, I don't see how a block could have been put on it before...

But nevertheless, let us know!

Apple came to digi a little while ago...
New drivers for the mbox to be compatible with GB will be released soon..
Apple is selling the mBox in their store, so it better work!

Same goes for my Digi 002, I'll be quite angry if it doesn't. I shouldn't have to spend more money on a cheesy USB i/o when I have a FW i/o.
think my digi001 would be pushing it for compatibility with GB???

i also run protools LE 6.2 with reason under panther... reason is awesome!!!

either way... once i can get a G5 i think ill be moving over to logic pro 6 and getting a sweet firewire interface...

F digidesign and their F ing incompatibilities...
Originally posted by g30ffr3y
think my digi001 would be pushing it for compatibility with GB???

That shouldn't push it at all - I would assume that if the MBox works through CoreAudio that the 001 would as well.

I'm in the same boat with Digidesign, my 001 won't be coming with me when I upgrade to a G5 (in another year, probably) and now that I have a laptop and a PC with FireWire, it might be time to look at a MOTU offering...

And although you posted the Buffalo weather in the other thread, DAMN IT'S COLD HERE!

Originally posted by cpjakes
That shouldn't push it at all - I would assume that if the MBox works through CoreAudio that the 001 would as well.

I'm in the same boat with Digidesign, my 001 won't be coming with me when I upgrade to a G5 (in another year, probably) and now that I have a laptop and a PC with FireWire, it might be time to look at a MOTU offering...

And although you posted the Buffalo weather in the other thread, DAMN IT'S COLD HERE!


ive been looking at the motu firewire interfaces as well... they seem a lot nicer than the digi001 which is essentially a dinosaur at this point... i think a G5... the new logic and an 828 would do the trick... oh and dual 23" cinemas... now i just need about nine grand... and someone to buy my digi001 "factory" [read overpriced useless crap] bundle...
Okay, well I got my new Garage Band and mBox pluged in; but it doesn't seem to recognize it. I can get Channel 1/2 Audio (or separately in mono), but how do I get Garage Band to look at my USB device (mBox, or that mAudio for people who have it).


Originally posted by rahul_patwari
Okay, well I got my new Garage Band and mBox pluged in; but it doesn't seem to recognize it. I can get Channel 1/2 Audio (or separately in mono), but how do I get Garage Band to look at my USB device (mBox, or that mAudio for people who have it).



i read that for mbox you have to add garage band to protools core audio or some type new fangled thing such as that...

i cant wait til i get home to play with garage band... i hope they delivered it...
Yes, that worked. For those wondering how to do this.

Open the Digidesign folder and there is a program called Digidesign CoreAudio Setup. It's pretty self explanatory from there.

From there, go to the Preferences... option in Garage Band and pick Audio/Midi and pick Digidesign HW.

Now it just comes out all staticky and distorted. Next problem!
friggin digidesign...

i guess ive gotta wait til tomorrow to start making my garage jams... no boxes at my door... sniff...
Originally posted by rahul_patwari
Yes, that worked. For those wondering how to do this.

Open the Digidesign folder and there is a program called Digidesign CoreAudio Setup. It's pretty self explanatory from there.

From there, go to the Preferences... option in Garage Band and pick Audio/Midi and pick Digidesign HW.

Now it just comes out all staticky and distorted. Next problem!

changing the buffering setting fixed that for me. :)

i am very happy with garageband and happy it works with my mbox! i can see its limitations, but it's a fine tool for the price. (i wish my mac was a bit faster, though!)
When I speak thru the mic hooked up to my mBox, it comes out as a robotic sounding voice, sped up, and then repeats about 10 seconds later.

How did you switch the buffering settings? I remember doing it through ProTools before. Should I do the same here or is there another way?

Originally posted by rahul_patwari
When I speak thru the mic hooked up to my mBox, it comes out as a robotic sounding voice, sped up, and then repeats about 10 seconds later.

How did you switch the buffering settings? I remember doing it through ProTools before. Should I do the same here or is there another way?


Use Digidesigns CoreAudio setup which is in your Digidesign folder in Applications.

There is also a buffer in GarageBand's Preferences - Audio/Midi

Have you got an effect on the track? try creating a new basic track without effects first. Then make sure monitor is off (double click the track icon on the left of the screen.)

I am on Panther and a G4 tiBook and it works like a dream - are you on a G3 and/or Jaguar?

Good Luck!
I'm using a 1st generation 12" PowerBook (G4 867 MHz with 640 Mb RAM). And I'm using Panther.

I have it set at basic track with no effects.

You know, I haven't upgraded my ProTools lately (6.1.1); perhaps this has something to do with it. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas....

Originally posted by rahul_patwari
When I speak thru the mic hooked up to my mBox, it comes out as a robotic sounding voice, sped up, and then repeats about 10 seconds later.

How did you switch the buffering settings? I remember doing it through ProTools before. Should I do the same here or is there another way?


yes, that's exactly what was happening to me. i'm sorry, i should have been more specific. in the audio/midi pane of the garageband preferences you'll see two radio buttons where you can optimize for "faster performance" or "better performance". set it to "better performance" and it should work like a charm. :)
Originally posted by rahul_patwari
I'm using a 1st generation 12" PowerBook (G4 867 MHz with 640 Mb RAM). And I'm using Panther.

I have it set at basic track with no effects.

You know, I haven't upgraded my ProTools lately (6.1.1); perhaps this has something to do with it. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas....


upgrading your pro tools would be a good idea, as well. :)
Must be nice, apple forgot to ship my iLife. Yep. They created the label, but never shipped it. So I have to call back Monday and they will create a new order.

Guess 002/GB compatability test will have to wait! I imagine I'll have to tweak CoreAudio as well. Digi stuff never plays nice with anything but ProTools :p
Originally posted by rahul_patwari
I'm using a 1st generation 12" PowerBook (G4 867 MHz with 640 Mb RAM). And I'm using Panther.

I have it set at basic track with no effects.

You know, I haven't upgraded my ProTools lately (6.1.1); perhaps this has something to do with it. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas....


Thats the problem Rahujl - have you used Pro Tools with Panther? - You need 6.1.2 to run Pro Tools onPanther.
for download.

Well recommended.

Good Luck

Originally posted by rahul_patwari
When I speak thru the mic hooked up to my mBox, it comes out as a robotic sounding voice, sped up, and then repeats about 10 seconds later.
You need to set your mBox to 16/44.1, if possible (I've never used an mBox so I don't know if it'll let you fiddle with the converters). That's the only format GB will work with, and you'll get weird problems like that if your device is set at something else and it can't change it to 16/44.1.

I believe I read about this in Apple's knowledge base...

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