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Originally posted by WM.
You need to set your mBox to 16/44.1, if possible (I've never used an mBox so I don't know if it'll let you fiddle with the converters). That's the only format GB will work with, and you'll get weird problems like that if your device is set at something else and it can't change it to 16/44.1.

I believe I read about this in Apple's knowledge base...


The mbox itself doesn't let you do this, it is controlled by what ever app your running it with.

Your spot on about the sample rate -16bit 44.1 khz - Soundtrack will do 24/96 - providing you've got the right hardware.

Just a note to all you Digi 001 users, the 001 interface will NEVER run on a G5, cos Apple decided to change the voltage on the PCI slots, and Digi aren't upgrading it.

There is an upgrade path to the 002 interface, which is much better, but it's more money.

The 001 isn't a great interface anyway, mortgage your Granny and buy the HD1 system....:p

Go on, you know you want to....
Originally posted by WinterMute

The 001 isn't a great interface anyway, mortgage your Granny and buy the HD1 system....:p

the thing that kills me w/ the HD price -- i could buy a complete Radar system for just the price of the one HD interface card
Originally posted by zimv20
the thing that kills me w/ the HD price -- i could buy a complete Radar system for just the price of the one HD interface card

OT warning..!

Indeed you could, but you'd still need the console, the outboard FX, the patchbay, the 5.1 monitor rig (yeah, OK, I know I need that too...).

The point with HD I think is that it provides a complete production solution for whatever work you are doing, certainly I use it to track and mix stereo commercial music, lay FX into picture in audio post, compose and arrange my own music, and output to any surround arrangement up to 10.2. Sure, I've got a fortune in plug-ins active, but I can work in one space and make product to almost any specification.

I take your point, it is expensive, but a full HD3 with a G5 and a 23" Cinema Display still isn't as expensive as a Studer 827 24-track 2" recorder, it depends where your looking from.

I've just replaced an entire tape based studio with HD3, and we'll get change from selling the SSL to another studio.

RADAR is a great machine, I've used it often, but I'll keep the HD thanks.:D
Originally posted by WinterMute
you'd still need the console, the outboard FX, the patchbay,

slowly but surely... in the meantime, i'll be buying some plugs and mixing in the box w/ PTLE.

after i start going back to analog for mixdown, i'll see how long i can get by w/ mixing to 8 stubs on my 002r. after that -- HD or Radar?

(i'm not doing the same kind of post work you are, it's just for music, theater sound design, and VO)

RADAR is a great machine, I've used it often, but I'll keep the HD thanks.:D

given what you're doing, i can see why
pro tools problem

I've actually had fun playing with Garage band. I've mixed a couple of songs; just guitar and vocals using a Russian condenser mike. It's great for me as i can send a rough (but much nicer than ever before) copy to my producer who then has a workable piece to start with. I just updated to pro tools 6.2 so I could use my mbox with garage band, but now when I go to my pro tools folder a blackened screen falls down and tells me to restart my computer by holding down the power button. I never saw it before in my two plus years with this ibook 600. Does pro tools mean what it says about needing a g4? I was using the mbox as an interface, but couldn't use the headphones in the mbox jack, though they worked fine plugged in to my ibook. Any thoughts from those who can ascertain these things?
johnfitz - I had this problem before upgrading to LE 6.2.2. While I have a 001 interface, it was the whole LE/Panther compatibility thing. But being on a different interface, I'm not sure what your problem may be.

Do you have any other applications open when you launch Pro Tools?

What version of OS X are you on?

As for not being able to use your headphones with the MBox, did you have the input/playback knob adjusted correctly for what you were doing?

Originally posted by WinterMute

I've just replaced an entire tape based studio with HD3, and we'll get change from selling the SSL to another studio.

OT reply :)

Sold the SSL? Hmm, I know a lot of big wigs cherish their SSL, why sell it and how much did you get for it? (If you don't mind me asking)
Re: pro tools problem

Originally posted by johnfitz
I just updated to pro tools 6.2 so I could use my mbox with garage band, but now when I go to my pro tools folder a blackened screen falls down and tells me to restart my computer by holding down the power button.

you may be SOL w/ panther:
Mbox is qualified on the following computers with Pro Tools LE 6.2.2 and Mac OS X 10.3.1 only:

Power Mac G5 1.6 GHz single processor, 1.8 GHz single & dual processor, and 2.0 GHz dual processor models

iMac G4 ('03)

PowerBook G4 ('03)

iBook G4

Currently shipping Power Mac G4 (may require upgrade from Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2.x to Mac OS X Panther v10.3.1)

Originally posted by TiBook1ghz
OT reply :)

Sold the SSL? Hmm, I know a lot of big wigs cherish their SSL, why sell it and how much did you get for it? (If you don't mind me asking)

Another OT post....:D

Don't mind at all, it was an older G series 48 frame, SSL (4040?), and to be honest it sounded like trash, I've never subscribed to the SSL sound, I prefer Neve or trident, or Harrison, raindirk and Amek for that matter, so losing the SSL wasn't a problem, I'd wanted to take this studio entirely non-linear for a while, as we were only really using the SSL as a glorified router to the 5.1, even the pre-amps are outboard.

Seemed like the time to dump it, and a new studio just down the road pithched in for a whole mess of stuff we were selling on, I think they stumped up £20K for the desk.

Lot of people like SSL, lots don't. I like Marmite too, go figure...
pro tools problem

being new to the message boards I imagine SOL means something along the lines of out of luck with being able to use my pro tools on a G3. Good excuse for getting a powerbook! Thanks for the help.
I'm able to run ProTools with Panther without a problem, using version 6.2.3.

However, I'm still not able to get a good signal into GarageBand. I always get the sped up, robotic sounding garbled noise from my mBox recorded into GarageBand. With ProTools, whatever is recorded sounds great.

I've tried doing everything above, any ideas? And once in a while, for no apparent reason, it'll work. (This reminds me of using Windows XP).

rahul_patwari said:
However, I'm still not able to get a good signal into GarageBand. I always get the sped up, robotic sounding garbled noise from my mBox recorded into GarageBand. With ProTools, whatever is recorded sounds great.
Does it play back other audio apps ok? Like iTunes or Peak? (You will have to use the Core Audio Setup to enable the use of these through your mbox.)

I would try the Digidesign Forum - they are a very knowledgeable bunch...

Good luck
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