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Skyscape just released native iphone apps like archimedes, rxdrugs...and apparently a ton more to come in the next few weeks.

Most of their apps are now available. Got the free stuff - rxdrugs is the drug guide (seems basic dosing info, but seems like it is being updated as I got a quick new update within the last few days), clinical medicine, archimedes also has newer formulas added. medalert provides quick blurbs from journal, fda, cdc etc.

installs and works smoothly..:)
Besides all the apps alreay listed, there are a couple more.

For those in peds, there are PALS algorithms, which could be pretty cool. But, just imagine running a code while consulting your iPhone...

Anyone else out there have Papers for their Mac? It is like an iTunes application that organizes all your pdf articles, cool pdf reader, and you can DL from a bunch of databases like PubMed. Well, they have an iPhone app that is currently in beta testing. I don't know what exact features it would include.

I wish there were more textbooks available. I would kill for a Red Book app and a Harriet Lane Handbook app. I know there is a HLH application available for Win Mo.

Having access to the patient's EMR or labs/PACS is going to be very tricky within a hospital due to HIPPA - imagine all that red tape. Having it in private practice is definitely possible.
Having access to the patient's EMR or labs/PACS is going to be very tricky within a hospital due to HIPPA - imagine all that red tape. Having it in private practice is definitely possible.

HIPPA applies to private practices as well as hospitals.
USMLE iphone flash cards

USMLE step 1 flash cards are now available on itunes. We all use it at Northwestern. The questions are based on the First Aid book. It's a fast way to review for boards. We all scored over 95. :)
USMLE 2 Wiz for iphone flash cards

These are free promo codes for USMLE 2 for iPhone and iPod Touch. This is a flash card app with 2500 questions and answers. The codes can only be used once.


Click on Redeem on the itunes store home page.
Please post a nice review. Send other comments or issues to this writer.:eek::eek:
These are free promo codes for USMLE 2 for iPhone and iPod Touch. This is a flash card app with 2500 questions and answers. The codes can only be used once.


Click on Redeem on the itunes store home page.
Please post a nice review. Send other comments or issues to this writer.:eek::eek:

Only valid for US store customers!!
These are free promo codes for USMLE 2 for iPhone and iPod Touch. This is a flash card app with 2500 questions and answers. The codes can only be used once.

TFJLFKEEH37T already used
PT3NYKMTWP9T I used this one


Click on Redeem on the itunes store home page.
Please post a nice review. Send other comments or issues to this writer.:eek::eek:
thanks for the code, however this seems to be for NCLEX-RN, not USMLE 2 :(
thanks for the code, however this seems to be for NCLEX-RN, not USMLE 2 :(
USMLE 2 Codes

USMLE 2 Codes


I used this one: EHWK9LL6P4KL (third down on list). THANKS! I'm taking the test in February.
teeth 3D

This application includes: (3D teeth)
1. General information about teeth and mouth.
2. Show in 3D each tooth, one by one, function and how works each tooth.
3. Dental caries, dental disease, causes etc.
4. Dental implants, kinds, benefits of dental implants.
5. Important Dental care, adults and kids.

All the information on this basic Dental encyclopedia is being shown with support graphics in 3D for a better understanding, many graphics, teeth, etc, are in real 3D to fully appreciate its shape.

Each dentists says that the most important part of tooth care and mouth happens at home, now you can get this accomplished with this beautiful dental 3D information on your device.

This application was made for doctors, students and family.
Remember if you are not a doctor or studen of dental, you can get this application to learn how works each tooth, kinds of dental disease...
and best of all: how to take care of your teeth and mouth.

itunes link:





CORE - Clinical ORthopedic Exam application for iPhone approved APP Store

CORE - Clinical ORthopedic Exam

Check out screenshots at

This website has over 250 special tests for a musculoskeletal exam and allows you to search alphabetically, by body region, by diagnostic category etc for the name of a clinical test. Then, you can read directions on how to perform the test as described by its original author, view a video demonstration on how to perform the test, and see the diagnostic properties for each test. Then, you can even link to PUBMed and read the abstract for the article that pertains to each test.

Solid, powerful, robust, and thorough medical application for students, professors, clinicians, and researchers!

Check it out:


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Never Lose Track of Your CME again!

iCME is an easy to use program and a must have for every health professional who has to participate in continued medical education!

iCME separates your CME into the following categories:

1. Book
2. Book chapter
3. Conference
4. Course
5. Grand round
6. Journal article
7. Journal club
8. Lecture
9. Lecture notes
10. Morbidity meeting
11. Peer review meeting
12. Self quiz
13. Workshop

And lets you:

1. Sort them by date or alphabetical order
2. Plan future CME events
3. Track overdue CME events
4. Highlight events you presented at
5. Email your CME list
6. Search for specific events using the powerful built in search function

Every health professional will find this program invaluable!

iTunes link:


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This application includes: (3D teeth)
1. General information about teeth and mouth.
2. Show in 3D each tooth, one by one, function and how works each tooth.
3. Dental caries, dental disease, causes etc.
4. Dental implants, kinds, benefits of dental implants.
5. Important Dental care, adults and kids.

...blah, blah, blah...yadda, yadda, yadda...

itunes link:

I've looked at all your apps, as well as the apps made by your friend, nelvii. I find it so interesting that you and your developer friend share a group of people who ONLY review YOUR apps...naturally, always giving 5-star reviews!
The other reviewers --who apparently aren't friends of yours--tend to give 1-star reviews and want their money back!
My question to you is this: Why do you continuously post shill reviews for your apps?
Do you think people can't see what you are doing?
Your target audience--doctors, nurses, and other health professionals--are far too intelligent to be fooled by such nonsense!

Perhaps you should use the time you are spending writing fake app store reviews to make better apps...

Reviews for iPhone Medical Applications

Hi everyone!

I'm the editor of and we're a site that reviews medical apps for the iPhone and we're made up of a group of physicians and medical students. We currently have over 50 in depth reviews of our favorite medical applications. We post regularly on our site and have unbiased reviews. I noticed a lot of people were asking about USMLE apps and other reference medical apps. We've reviewed a bunch of each and more. Feel free to check us out before you buy your medical apps!

Iltifat Husain
MD/MPH student
I'm interested in Skyscape's apps, but I've read that it's not possible to transfer their apps to a new device. Is that true? Any workarounds?
Physical Exam Essentials

"Physical Exam Essentials" provides you with a quick overview of the essential aspects of the physical exam. Briefly read through pertinent sections before seeing a patient so you don't forget to do anything during your exam!

Perfect for the pre-meds, medical students, health professionals, and anyone interested in medicine!

-Pictures in each section help to illustrate physical exam maneuvers
-Includes "Clinical Correlates" which highlight the significance of certain physical exam findings
-"Presentation Tips" included to help you describe your findings
-Includes descriptions of special tests that are not usually performed in a routine physical exam

Topics Covered:

✓ The Health History
✓ The General Survey
✓ Skin and Nails
✓ HEENT and Neck
✓ Thorax and Lungs
✓ Breast and Axillae
✓ Cardiovascular Exam
✓ Peripheral Vascular System
✓ Abdominal Exam
✓ Male Genitalia, Anus, Rectum, Prostate
✓ Female Genitalia, Anus, Rectum
✓ Mental Status Exam
✓ Cranial Nerves
✓ Neurological Exam

Note: This application is by no means meant to be a comprehensive guide but is rather a quick reference for those who cannot carry a textbook wherever they go!

For any suggestions, corrections, or comments please email us at

Copyright Hipposoft 2009
e-Val MD

e-Val MD is the first professional, all-purpose, comprehensive medical history and physical examination tool for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Easily turn your H&P into electronic records with e-Val MD’s simple, easy-to-use touch-screen interface.

e-Val MD was designed using the examination standards taught in academia, medical record information required for insurance and billing, and techniques regularly practiced by physicians in the field. It offers the flexibility to perform as brief or as detailed a history and physical examination as needed, and with ease.

- Convenient input of 300+ items of comprehensive patient history & physical data, including custom input controls developed specifically for e-Val MD
- Industry-standard categories of CC/HPI/PMH/FH/SH/ROS/PE
- Random access to any input category, via pop-up outline screen
- Outline screen also indicates completion status of each category of data for a given patient
- Summation in full text of all inputted H&P data
- Ability to export text summation via email (which can in turn be copied into standard desktop EMR systems)
- Email export restricts patient identifiability, with configurable preference options
- HIPAA Shield restricts access to application & its data
- Unlimited number of total patient records

More information available at


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