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Jun 12, 2022
The fact that Mac apps almost never crash/quit no matter how much stuff you load, and the ability to switch between apps almost instantaneously with each app always presenting just as you last left it is all due to its ability to swap. You're not supposed to notice it, so your comment just means it's doing its job.

That's supposed to be what Apple has brought to the M1/M2 iPads with the new OS (as long as they have at least 128 mb storage). But I don't have one of those iPads, so I don't have any first-hand experience as to how well it works. But the implementation is still limited compared to what can be done on a Mac. It's a little ambiguous, but iOS has a 16 GB limit on VM (I'm not sure if that's per app, or total), whereas on Mac, the swapfile is permitted to continue to grow as long as there is more disk space available.

I'm curious about that as well.
It feels way better on iPadOS 16 on my M2 8gb 11” but I still go back to apps after idk some time and find them doing that same old reload. So it has yet to change and someone made a point of how iOS app is coded fundamentally vs a Mac app. Unless apple starts enforcing a difference in how these apps behave in memeory specific to iPad OS. It will never be quite like a Mac, which would seriously bum me out.


Oct 23, 2014
My M1 Pro 256GB seems to reload Safari tabs more often than actual apps.

But it’s still way WAY better than my old A9 iPad 9.7. That thing was just about unusable as far as multitasking is concerned.


macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2012
My M1 Pro 256GB seems to reload Safari tabs more often than actual apps.

But it’s still way WAY better than my old A9 iPad 9.7. That thing was just about unusable as far as multitasking is concerned.
I never had experienced that since I use Adblock apps.
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rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
I also use adblockers but still get reloading tabs every so often.

For me, it usually depends on the websites. Sites that are mostly text rarely reload while ones with lotsa media or Javascript are more prone to reloads.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
I finally purchased a 128GB M2 iPad Pro, because of some problems with a 256GB model, so I hope this swap doesn’t kill my SSD. It is a long term purchase so… 🤞🏻
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