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macrumors 68040
May 27, 2006
It's thinner than MacBook Air and better looking than MacBook Air.

Once they get the internal components up to a decent speed they'll have a winner on their hands.

Demosthenes X

macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2008
It looks all-right - I'm not a fan of the engraved lid, and overall I would call the Air more attractive, but that's subjective. Certainly the Dell is thin and light, which is what matters.

The Adamo might offer less power, but it does give the option for 4GB or RAM, come with a 128GB SSD vs. the Air's 80GB HDD standard, and has far better connectivity. Compared to the Air, that sounds pretty good. The Air gives you more power, but looses everywhere else.

Of course, the Air also has better looks (imo) and OSX. But if the Adamo can run OSX (and, considering how easily the Mini 9 does, this wouldn't surprise me) then what does the Air have over it?

I think in the next revision the Air will get solid spec bump to compete: 4GB RAM option and better SSD prices for sure.


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2006
The high desert, USA
But if the Adamo can run OSX (and, considering how easily the Mini 9 does, this wouldn't surprise me) then what does the Air have over it?.

Just a lower price, and faster processors, and better ram, and better looks, and no hacks to get it to run OSX. Other than that...:eek:

Really, think about poor Dell product designers and engineers, trying to develop adamo. They work and work and work, come up with something pretty nice, then they look again at the MBA price and ask themselves "how the *** did they do that???"


macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
Exactly. I'm surprised that Dell managed to come up with something less powerful and even more expensive than the jaw-drop-price Air.

And the main thing I have taken from the look and their advertising is that they have tried really hard to get a cool look ... but IMO they have tried too hard - the ass-ports are probably the main mistake though.

Then there's comparing the marketing of to that of You've got forced video with sound, and all in black and white (odd choice if they're trying for cool with that IMO) vs. a total concentration on what is most cool about the Air, and the option to view a rather more colourful and cool/hip video - and there's a lot more useful information given straight up, there.

They also needed to do some better perspective shots to convince us about the thinness of this Adamo; it certainly doesn't look thinner than the Air as it is, and saying that when they're referring to the wee bit towards the back of the Air is a bit dodgy marketing IMO, but then again those words go together often enough :).

I'm gonna go with: without the ass, and with OS X and the Air keyboard, they would be onto something. It is a promising start as far as competition goes!


macrumors 68020
Mar 11, 2009
It's thinner than MacBook Air and better looking than MacBook Air.

Once they get the internal components up to a decent speed they'll have a winner on their hands.

It's not thinner than the Air and I doubt most people would say it's better looking.






macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2008
There is no comparison between the Adamo and the MBA revB.

Adamo even fails against the Vaio TT which has similar specs but yet more and better options.

The only PC I think competes with the MBA in terms of looks is the VooDoo Envy 133 which is years behind!


macrumors regular
Mar 26, 2009
No specs. What's the point? Something could have the prettiest case on the outside but the insides could be garbage.

like my macbook air? :X

haha don't get me wrong i love my mba, but only because i've dumbed my pcing down to its level.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2009
No specs. What's the point? Something could have the prettiest case on the outside but the insides could be garbage.

cough MBA cough

I think it looks cool but it doesnt "look" thinner than the air


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
Very nice computer, except if I were to choose one, I'd buy the Thinkpad X301 :cool:

Plus, 1.2GHz C2D? Embarassing.

And entirely adequate; it's also a low-voltage offering, so that means better battery life as well.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2008
I'd buy the Thinkpad X301 :cool:

I do not understand how the Lenovo X-series fits in comparison since these machines (Air, Envy, Adamo) are luxury computers which the x-series fail to even trying to be part of.

There should be a luxury category for these machines rather than putting them under the ultra-portable one.


macrumors member
Oct 24, 2006
The keyboard looks horrid. Besides the LED backlit screen in the MBA the keyboard is my favorite feature. It slays my dell and HP laptop keyboards.

I actually like the way the Dell keyboard appears to sit down into the laptop. I prefer all my connectors in one place and having them all in the back makes the most sense to me. I never see the back, so I don't care so much about it's hump. But having all the cables back there makes cable management better.

Plus, the etching on the back is really slick.

It's weak on specs, but it's a good start.


macrumors regular
Jan 16, 2008
I wonder if Dell got english problem or something cause I remember their ad says, the world thinnest notebook.

The current world thinnest notebook is the MBA, so how can that chunk of brick be thinner then the MBA?

i wonder who else has English problems?
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