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LOL, Delivery Exception 'cause my leasing office was out to lunch at 12:23 PM today. FedEx said I could pick it up from the nearby station tonight or tomorrow between 8am and 5pm. May not apply to all stations, but if you got an exception - call them to see what your options are.

BTW, FedEx call center guy said they cannot do a re-attempt since it's from Apple. Guess that costs extra or something.

Of course my daughters Spring Program was at 1:30 this afternoon. I signed the release and put it on the door asking the Fedex person to leave it in my garage and pull the door shut to lock it. Guess what time it arrived… 1:48pm. I checked the shipping status while at the program and saw it was delivered. The last 15 minutes of the program, lets just say I was a little antsy.

I got home at 2:20 and it was where I asked them to leave it. Syncing now...
iPad arrived at 4:20, just before the estimated delivery time. I can't believe how easy typing on this keyboard is. So sweet! Anyway, I am synced and ready to roll. Very happy with this purchase. Thanks for sharing the wait with me everyone!
Got my 64 GB 3G at 2:15 in Tampa.

This device is magnificent. Loaded 30 movies, about 30 books into the Kindle app, my favorite tunes and most of the popular iPad apps. :D
Mine went from Indianapolis to Tennessee.

I live in Houston, Texas.

So, my iPad is hanging out at the airport FedEx facility until tomorrow when they hopefully get it delivered to me...

Anyone else get their shipment bungled by FedEx?
Mine went from Indianapolis to Tennessee.

I live in Houston, Texas.

So, my iPad is hanging out at the airport FedEx facility until tomorrow when they hopefully get it delivered to me...

Anyone else get their shipment bungled by FedEx?

That sucks man. If I drive by it on hardy tomorrow I'll waive hello. Hope you get it tomorrow. I love mine.
iPad 32GB WiFi+3G via MacMall Delayed

So I pre-ordered my iPad 32GB WiFi+3G from MacMall by phone on April 6th when they first became available on MacMall. I did this because with MacMall not having a presence in my home state I don't have to pay sales tax (I do have to with Apple Store).

This saved me about $60 -- but I asked up-front when they would get the shipment from Apple and they said the first week of May. Then I called later on and was told May 4th (with free 2-Day FedEx, it would arrive May 7th). Then I called yesterday and was told it was going to arrive a day early and be at MacMall on May 3rd and would be to me by May 6th.

Today I called to see if it shipped and they said they got notified by Apple that their shipment is delayed until May 12th.

Part of me wants to cancel the order and drive to Apple Store and pick one up, but I would much rather spend that $60 on apps and accessories than impatience. It just stinks when you get your hopes up to have them dashed at the last minute. MacMall/Apple did the same thing with my 27-inch Quad-Core iMac -- I had 2 orders -- one came on time and the other that was made within minutes of the first came 6 weeks later after Apple started having production issues.

So the moral of the story is.... You can save quite a bit on sales tax by going with a reseller that is not located in your home state, but Apple will always fill the orders for their direct buyers first before fulfilling commitments to resellers.
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