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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 6, 2009
I‘ve always had iCloud messages enabled on all devices because i like everything to be in sync across my apple devices. Especially when i clean install my macs every year, or get a new one, or get a new phone, i like all my conversations to just be there via cloud sync so i dont have to restore from backups or use Time Machine etc.
The only issue is that the amount of space that messages takes up in iCloud is getting ridiculous. When when i look at my phone it only says 2GB used by messages. I am not sure it’s true as when i go to actual message settings on iPhone it says 5.6 GB.
Either way, i went through top conversations on my iPhone and deleted about 1.5gb of attachments. But my iCloud usage for messages is still exactly the same. How do i actually go about reducing my iCloud iMessage usage without deleting all my actual texts? I am deleting attachments, yet the usage on iCloud is not going down.


macrumors regular
Feb 10, 2024
Halifax, NS
If you've got the time and patience, it might make sense to turn off Messages in the cloud for now until that data gets purged from iCloud (30 days, I think). Then turn it back on and resync. That's where I would begin with it.
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