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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Just bought Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on sale at Steam. First MGS5 and the intro chapter in this game, been in a coma for 9 years, wake up, and people are trying to kill you, was pretty wild with impressive visuals, unknown spectral entities make their presence known in explosive ways.

Of interest the game has you spend 10 minutes making a new face and then it seems like you don't get the new face. Maybe that comes later.

Of note: The game seems to require a console controller and has you log into a game server, but this is a solo game. I assume this is a console port.

Of note 2: I recently tried Wolfenstein: New Order (also a Steam sale purchase), and the production values in this game (MGS5) are stellar, a cut above Wolfenstein. Will be continuing this. Can't say I'll be doing the same with Wolfenstein.



macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
I have MGS V for the PS4 and concur that it's a great game. The story is ******* crazy, but that's to be expected for a Hideo Kojima game. And yes, it still looks stunning, despite its age.

The character editor at the beginning is somewhat confusing, but the character you create there is meant for the multiplayer component. When you stick to the single player campaign, you will never see that face again.
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