I recently switched from MetaX to Subler. Didn't like it at first, but once I got it figured out it's been awesome!
I find that Subler writes tags a 100 times faster than MetaX. Since the look-up feature on the Mac version of MetaX went bye-bye, I've been using Subler because it's just as quick to copy and paste in either app, but Subler writes in a second what takes MetaX minutes (particularly with HD files).
Also, MetaX would sometimes miss tags, particularly genre and rating, and does not (afaik) let you add a cnID or HD tag.
What's the "Optimize" function ?
It interleaves the audio and video samples, and puts the "MooV" atom at the begining of the file, restoring the Quicktime "fast-start" (also known as "pseudo-streaming") ability of the file.
Nightstorm- Help me out here. I have just been saving the file via Subler then using the 'Send to Itunes' feature. What are the pros and cons of 'optimize'?
Thanks in advance
Might try some of the suggestions in this thread, though. Any of them work within iTunes to search out data that's missing from files in your library?
You have to "optimize" files in subler to get them to play on Apple TV 2.
iFlicks installs a script in iTunes so you can run it on your existing library. Pretty easy to use and hasn't missed a beat for me.
Another plug for identify. I've used several different taggers including metax and subler but identify has a good mix of features. When I'm encoding a TV season and name the files right then I usually don't have to do anything but load and scan in identify. So much nicer.
Another plug for identify. I've used several different taggers including metax and subler but identify has a good mix of features. When I'm encoding a TV season and name the files right then I usually don't have to do anything but load and scan in identify. So much nicer.
Yep, Identify 2 is the best IMHO.
It's super fast. The only downside is that it's $10. But sometimes free apps don't have the quality that paid apps have.
Yep, Identify 2 is the best IMHO.
I've tried MetaX (too slow), and Subler (too slow and causes corruption on AppleTV2 so you have to perform a lengthy optomize).
It's super fast. The only downside is that it's $10. But sometimes free apps don't have the quality that paid apps have.