those are some pretty sweet pics. Whether you like the movie or actors you cant deny the pics are cool. sheesh.
Once again, I don't need to have met him to understand his fetishisation of the female leads in his films. A prime example was his screen test for Megan Fox which consisted of him videoing her washing a car. How this is "pedestrian" I've no idea. Perhaps you just read that word recently and were aching to use it somewhere?
And in the true American spirit you believe that I owe him my respect because he's used his lecherousness to make buckets of cash. Capitalism FTW!
Unless you've been entombed for a few decades in a bomb shelter somewhere, sex sells. So if you are using that as your main criteria to discard the works of a variety of actors, directors, etc., then your list will be long and distinguished, and maybe some black and white flicks of Laurel and Hardy or Charlie Chaplin will better suit your tastes.
More importantly.... Transformers 3? Really.... Sigh.
You're right though, sex does indeed sell, but so do other forms of movie making. Problem is that Bay is a glorified pornographer who lacks talent and therefore stays in the gutter. Your lauding of such a hack merely helps to keep him in business. On the plus side, anything that keeps trash-loving proles off the streets (apologies if this description includes yourself) may help keep the crime (and teen pregnancy) rate down. Thanks for helping prove my point, keep up the good work. let me get this straight, anyone who likes to watch movies like Transformers, Armageddon, or horror flicks indirectly contributes to crime and teen pregnancy? LOL..does this fear come with a side of fire and brimstone and a guy with horns and pitchfork? Or how about ensuring that we all run back to the cave when lightning strikes, as the gods are surely angry with our behavior. let me get this straight, anyone who likes to watch movies like Transformers, Armageddon, or horror flicks indirectly contributes to crime and teen pregnancy? LOL..does this fear come with a side of fire and brimstone and a guy with horns and pitchfork? Or how about ensuring that we all run back to the cave when lightning strikes, as the gods are surely angry with our behavior.
The Party creates meaningless songs, novels, even pornography for the proles (all written by machines, except pornography, which is compiled by members of the Outer Party and accessible only to party members working in Pornosec).
Who mentioned horror movies? Are you listening to the voices dude?
Anyway, my theory goes like this: The average IQ in prison is lower than that of the outside population. Only idiots could actually enjoy a Michael Bay film, therefore it follows that these people have low IQs and are statistically more likely to commit crime and end up in jail. I think the procreation part is obvious so I won't patronise you by spelling it out.
Also, you unfortunately failed to spot my literary reference. Go and read 1984 by George Orwell (*warning* there aren't any pictures in this book- maybe audiobook instead?) and then get back to me.
But just to speed things along a little. Here's the wikipedia (I know, dumbing down affects us all) entry for Proles. This quote has helpfully been included...
Sound familiar? speak about Michael Bay like you know the man and his works, and you missed the fact that this guy produced The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, Friday the 13th (2009), Amityville Horror in 2005, and The Hitcher in 2007. So yes, the reference to horror flicks was relevant. I presume that your 'IQ Prison Theory' applies there as well right? From the sound of it ,you only focus on the 'sex' laden material. Kind of begs a couple questions about you doesn't it? If you can't figure out the inference, don't worry about it. If you can, then you may have something to worry about, that even literary references from socialist/anarchist Eric Arthur Blair won't help you overcome.
Beautiful. You know you're in desperado territory when you dredge up not one, not two, not three, but FOUR remakes in attempt to prove your crap little point. The 'sex' laden material as you so helpfully concede just happens to be the stuff he directed. Perhaps this is what you were inferring? Begs a couple of questions though, doesn't it?
And apologies for trying to use Orwell in my arguments, perhaps I should quote a tabloid celebrity next to help you understand?
Just to point out how low you'll stoop in this hopeless crusade, here are the rotten tomatoes scores for your "horror" movies...
Texas Chainsaw: Beginning 13%
Friday 13th 26%
Amityville 24%
The Hitcher 20%
Highbrow stuff as I'm sure you'll agree
You seem to have failed to understand why I brought the horror category into the equation, big surprise, and you got your answer. It's blatantly evident that you don't thoroughly understand a topic before spouting off about it.
Nice run from Orwell too. Your rebuttal seems to be skin deep there as well. Spouting off again before 'thinking'? Wikipedia only gets you so far huh? I also like the way that you repeat what I've already said. That's an indicator of one who's run out of steam, so my advice would be to stick with the Rotten Tomatoes statistics, and stay away from the more complicated things.
Let's move on....
Who cares? Michael Bay is a talentless hack.
Regardless of all nonsense going on here, it's awesome he's using the iPad for movie making.