I am going to have to find the website I read some of this information off of, however, I know that Microsoft will be adding bigger features coming up, such as Dark Mode. I actually believe it was right after Edge installed, it listed off about 6-8 things that were not in this release, like dark mode, but promised they would work hard to get the features to us as fast as possible. I swore one of the yet to be unreleased features I read about was, about redesigning and tweaking how bookmarks work and are shown in Edge, honestly cannot remember any of the other ones. Also, take this with a grain of sale because I cannot remember if I read after the install of Edge or on some tech website or both, but it was not our beloved MacRumors!
I will try and find the article for you or if you do uninstall for some reason and then re-install it, you will see the list of features they are working on.
PS: How do you like Edge for macOS? I like it, not as much as Safari obviously, but for being developer builds Edge is extraordinarily fast and stable as I have yet to have any technical problem with the browser. Just curious what you think?

Yeah, the whole keyboard issue is just a mess and I think it really has to do with Apple being so damn stubborn! They do not want to admit when they create something that breaks under normal usage, truly unacceptable. I do not really have an answer for you on that, except, what I said to start off, their stubbornness!
Now, with the Safari/Edge issue, if Microsoft puts way better features in Edge and Safari does not, I feel like we might see a mass exodus to Edge. I mean, even though these are Canary & Dev. builds, they run fast as can be AND they are stable as h*ll. From what my buddies have told me (who all use Macs) is that Edge even in Canary or Developer build is much stabler than the current version of Chrome. I cannot comment on this, as I have never installed Chrome on any of my Macs OR iPhones/iPads.
I have put Edge through its passes and never once did it crash.