I have one of these laptops and I can't imagine using Windows with touch on a regular basis. It's not enough that the OS itself works, if everything else you install and use isn't optimized for touch.
Most everything I use does have touch capability from Video and photo editing to processing applicaitons. Add in note taking, drawing and design apps. All on one device. NO, everything is not touch, but it is awesome having my super powerful notebook, with TONS of storage space, and also pull out my pen and draw plans, diagrams, take notes etc without having to pull out and fire up another device. HINT: that's the real reason apple does not create macbook touch. It will neuter ipad sales. Alot of people will not buy ipad anymore if they can note take, draw etc on their mac. With apple, it's all about maximizing the profits going into the pockets.
I am of the type who wants a full touchscreen desktop (which I have), a full touchscreen 2 in 1 notebook (which I have) and a powerful productive tablet (which will be incoming soon with my surface pro X). Apple don't like giving consumers choice. That means less money incoming to them. Apple users think touchscreen on desktops and notebooks is a compromise. However, that's just what they have been told to believe by the minon masters at head office. The true compromise is not having touch on these devices to use as you wish.