Why all the LTD bashing?
Anyhow, the articles do tend to suggest that WinPhone 7 or whatever flopped on opening day. No lines other than to snag freebies.
It's exactly as the title of the thread indicated!
Indeed, why no lines? Apple gets lines. Motorola
USED TO get lines. Even Android gets lines. You'd think they would stage a few lines just for publicity. Hardly anyone would notice all of the Microsoft Store shirts.
So, it may well be MS's first Great Phone OS. Good For Them. It's about time.
After how many tries? How many updates will it need to be useable?
Why weren't the last several attempts fantastic? They should have come out with an iPhone killer by now. Or at least a Droid killer.
OK, so who did the Out-Of-Focus copying machine know as Microsoft borrow from this time? Nokia? Motorola? Android? Blackberry? Palm? Apple?
Could they have done it
So, could one of the people who earlier expressed great interest in this astounding new phone technology please keep us poor, reclusive Apple Cultists informed of Windows Phone 7's incredible greatness? After you've used it for a few days or so. It's bound to be so much better than.... ummm... well, something!
That is if I may be so bold as to assume that I counted at least some people here that have or are going to order this latest wonder from MS. I can hear the clang of discarded iPhones already! Free yourself from The Jobsian Walled Garden of Doom!
Seriously, Microsoft needs to work on their product launches! I still get the silly giggles thinking about Windows Seven home parties. Who makes this stuff up for them? Apple?
It's LTD Appreciation Day,
Have Fun,