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Dear oh dear.

Well whatever is really happening over in Redmond, I'm happy knowing that Vista will be good, but I've been using a UNIX version of it since April 04/whenever Tiger came out.

Not to say our PC's wont be using it. I'm always for the latest OS- easier networking and sharing, besides anything is better than the XP gui. even influenza.
Windows could be alright. It's just missing iLife and OSX.
This is really sad on behalf on windows users. The thing is though Microsoft knows that 90% of there XP users have no knowlesge of Vista and are quite happy using there outdated XP boxes, therefore this won't affect microsoft's market share very much if any, thats the reason why M$ are not too bothered about delaying the release,

shadowmoses said:
This is really sad on behalf on windows users. The thing is though Microsoft knows that 90% of there XP users have no knowlesge of Vista and are quite happy using there outdated XP boxes, therefore this won't affect microsoft's market share very much if any, thats the reason why M$ are not too bothered about delaying the release,


Guys, i'll say it again, there's no way in HELL that they're rewriting 60% of their code! The changes to VISTA are not nearly close to being so dramatic. No one rewrites 60% of their code, not even 15% of their code. Microsoft already publicly annouced this is not correct, and this time I buy it.

Oded S.
Its all rubbish the article is baseless. One of the vista developers has already requested that they withdraw the article as there isnt one item of fact in it.
I don't see why they just don't completley rewrite Windows. The basic operating system of XP (under all the blue) is still Windows 95! If you want proof just look at the MY Computer "Properties" box! It hasn't dramatically changed in years! The only thing that has changed is the way it looks.

OS X is largley the same, except Apple don't market new versions as completley new operating systems. From OS X to OS X 10.4.5 there have been mainly small changes, but has never been marketed as a new OS (if it had Tiger would be OS XIV :p ).

My £0.2
ChrisG said:
I don't see why they just don't completley rewrite Windows. The basic operating system of XP (under all the blue) is still Windows 95!

No, it's WindowsNT. That's why WindowsXP can actually run for a while without crashing (when it's not being taken down by viruses and other malware, that is).

BornAgainMac said:
With the power that Microsoft has in the form of money, why can't Microsoft just buy Apple and just rename Tiger as the new Vista.

Because the government wouldn't allow it, for pretty much the same reason they didn't allow Dish Network to buy Primestar.

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