Content-filtering companies have also been reviewing Bing and have found the same gaping problems.
Good pun for a porno story.
Content-filtering companies have also been reviewing Bing and have found the same gaping problems.
That's funny. It's too bad that the mouse over feature doesn't work in Safari 4 Beta.
With this news, makes you wonder what Steve Ballmer is describing below?
Google does NOT show "previews" of porn videos in the search results page.
Google does NOT show "previews" of porn videos in the search results page.
That's funny. It's too bad that the mouse over feature doesn't work in Safari 4 Beta.
With this news, makes you wonder what Steve Ballmer is describing below.
Probably the size of his orifice after taking it up there once too often.
Seems like FOX is making a big deal over this. I typed in 'porn' and clicked videos. This message was returned.
THE SEARCH PORN MAY RETURN EXPLICIT ADULT CONTENT.To view these videos, turn off safe search.
Yes.. however, videos don't automatically start playing on mouse over.
And there's a lot of porn videos on Teh Intarwebs. Allegedly. Ahem.
Might want to bury the content filter switches a little bit deeper.
All a kid has to do is select remove filter in his browser and poof!! Instant porn videos.
Internet safety rests mostly in the hands of the parents and guardians, not in the hands of content providers.