panoz7 said:It seems different enough to me to be fine. Similar idea, but done in a very different fashion.
By the way, were all you guys as outraged when apple basically copied the Postal Service video for that chip factory commercial?
jhu said:now you guys are comparing ads? this is almost hilarious. what next?
"omg, omg!!! the ceo of apple, a mr. steve jobs, someone who i otherwise don't know but is also my idol anyway, has 2 arms and legs!!! the ceo of microsoft, a mr. steve ballmer, who i despise because he is the spawn of satan, also has 2 arms and legs!!!! when will they stop copying applezzz???"
adiospc said:How can you argue it's different enough? Let's see spinning album art from Apple. Spinning game cover art from MS. Apple's start from the ground and builds a city. MS starts form the ground and builds a xbox tower.
adiospc said:As for being outraged, I'm not outraged, I'm just calling MS on their game and getting the word out there that Apple is better. Besides, the US Postal Service is not the direct competitor of Apple, like Microsoft. Hey if you are gonna copy your main competitor, be prepared to get called out if you're not smart enough to "Think Different".
adiospc said:You're participating is this discussion and throwing in your 2 cents because??? If you don't understand why people call out the other team on their screwups then you can't appreciate the game. I happen to be someone with a $$$ interest in the succes in AAPL (google it) and love to see competitors like MSFT (google it) fall flat on their face.
jhu said:the fact that you have a financial stake makes you even more biased. i don't. it's so irrelevant, it makes no sense for people to dwell on this just because it's microsoft. come to think of it, that's the only reason why this is in discussion. if exxon/mobil, ge, alcoa, toyota, etc, did the same thing, no one would give a rat's ass.
panoz7 said:I can't find a link to the original iTunes commercial so this is going to be based off my memory. If I'm wrong about something I admit to it now.
Apple starts from the ground up and builds a city... except that the city doesn't actually look like a photorealistic city. The buildings don't look like buildings but rather have the shape of buildings and the individual covers are still visible.
In the xbox commercial the flying covers build something. That's where the similarities end. In the xbox commercial the covers are only clearly identifiable as covers at the beginning. Once they become part of the xbox structure they change color... When the structure is completed it looks exactly like an xbox.
In my mind that's different enough.
I wasn't referring to the US postal service... but rather the band "The Postal Service" The apple chip factory commercial was almost identical to the postal service's music video for "Such Great Heights." In this there was a relationship between the two party's... iTunes sells the Postal Service's music.
Apparently the same studio produced both the apple ad and the Postal Service Video. The only reason I mentioned it is because people seemed so anxious to blame the studios (which was justified) in that case rather then blaming apple. With this commercial people are doing the opposite, which I feel is only because the company is evil microsoft.
By the way, Apple is not the competitor that these commercials would be aimed at. Sony is. Apple doesn't have a product that competes with the xBox. I think the xBox is one of the few products that microsoft has done right.
If it was a zune ad I would probably feel differently...
adiospc said:I absolutely have a finanical stake now, because their stock and their company are leading the industry. If you were smart you would buy some AAPL too (You'll wish you had 10 years from now)
adiospc said:You must know, you own a mac too...right? I'm just rooting for the home team.
You're right, if Exxon did it no one would care, but it's Microsoft....and it's gonna be great seeing them and Dell continue to lose market share to Apple which keeps sending my stock value up![]()
jhu said:in my opinion, the really smart thing to do would be to buy intel.
alright, fair enough
Macaddicttt said:Apple didn't copy the Postal Service video. The same people who made the Postal Service video made the Apple commercial.
adiospc said:It's funny you should see that too! It's totally a mac laptop photo. Another oversight by MS.
Take a look at this page:
and you'll notice the icons are also totally Appleish looking icons. The mail icon for example... look familiar?
I'm sure Mr.Softy is scrambling to incorporate their version of Apple's "Time Machine" and "Spaces" into Vista somehow.
I think the Sidebar is a maor innovation-they managed to change the whole of 2 letters AND rip-off Apple at the same time! Genius!Evangelion said:How many different ways would there be to accomplish what they are trying to accomplish? I do agree that Sidebar and Gadgets are a ripoff of Dashboard (well, sidebar itself is somewhat different from Dahsboard, but Gadgets and Widgets is quite obvious). But that said, Dashboard and Widgets weren't really that innovative either.
Evangelion said:How many different ways would there be to accomplish what they are trying to accomplish? I do agree that Sidebar and Gadgets are a ripoff of Dashboard (well, sidebar itself is somewhat different from Dahsboard, but Gadgets and Widgets is quite obvious). But that said, Dashboard and Widgets weren't really that innovative either.
Which in itself if a rip from the first Mac.jhu said:sure and gadgets and dashboard were both a ripoff of konfabulator.
panoz7 said:Apparently the same studio produced both the apple ad and the Postal Service Video.
Evangelion said:Without asking the band for the go-ahead. The band was quite disappointed