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I wish you luck with your choice, and hope to see some stunners from it in the near future :)

Cheers :)

I hear you on "decision fatigue!" I'm still trying to make up my mind, too.....
Fortunately, I should be able to turn my brain off after this one. I used to be really bad about smartphones, but I’ve managed to beat that back and keep my 6s for 3 years. My camera hunt has come from making a guess with the a5000, then trying a traditional DSLR. I think I’ve figured out what I like now, and the DX85 seems like a good fit. I’m glad I made some size comparisons before purchase. I just assumed any m43 camera would be automagically smaller than a D5300, but not so! I guess lenses may still be smaller.

I wish you luck with your choice, and hope to see some stunners from it in the near future :)

Cheers :)


Will do. I don’t Instagram or Facebook, so only MR and my immediate friends/family really get to see my work!
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I'm looking forward to hearing how you like the new iPhone Xs Max...... I really love the camera in the iPhone X -- one reason I am going to go for an improved version in the iPhone Xs. This thing definitely rivals and goes beyond many P&S cameras!
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Max for me. I've had the 6+ and 7+ so I'm used to the size.
Good luck to you. I will likely buy an Apple-refurbed 7 when my 6s breathes its last.

New camera came today. Lumix GX85 with a secondary 45-150 lens. I’m amazed at the size and lightness of the lenses, and the body itself feels very well made and solid. Shutter can be silenced entirely. The Menu system is pretty deep, so I’ve got some learning to do there, but the buttons and dials seem to do most of what I need. So far, I love the results. I’ve taken maybe 10 photos and already have a few keepers of the kids. I guess mirrored cameras are over my head? Will hit up POTD with my results. :)
Good luck to you. I will likely buy an Apple-refurbed 7 when my 6s breathes its last.

New camera came today. Lumix GX85 with a secondary 45-150 lens. I’m amazed at the size and lightness of the lenses, and the body itself feels very well made and solid. Shutter can be silenced entirely. The Menu system is pretty deep, so I’ve got some learning to do there, but the buttons and dials seem to do most of what I need. So far, I love the results. I’ve taken maybe 10 photos and already have a few keepers of the kids. I guess mirrored cameras are over my head? Will hit up POTD with my results. :)
Enjoy your new camera. I'm looking forward to seeing the results.
Well, I had my first outing with the GX85 this past weekend, and I was quite happy with the results! I figured I’d follow up on my purchase.

I took about 240 pictures, and I maybe trashed 1/4 of them for incorrect focus. That was impressive in itself, as I took a lot of shots of fast moving subjects, though I did have plenty of light for the most part. I was originally worried that battery life might be an issue, but this was a long day of off-and-on shooting, and I still had half the battery left. Shooting in RAW was helpful to recover any exposure issues, and because it was a full-sun day with occasional partial shade, I did have some sharp contrasts to work against. I ended up with a lot of good shots, even a few great ones. I did have one operational goof—I have the exposure lock set without needing to hold the button, so I ended up forgetting to untoggle it and had some higher than needed ISO shots until I figured out my mistake.

The first field visit was a success in my book. I would certainly recommend the GX85. It was light to carry and easy to use once I got the hang of it. I really like the smaller lenses on m43 too.
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For me it was ergonomics. I ended up with a Fuji XT-2 because it's just like the film cameras of old. All the controls are in the right place and the camera capabilities far exceed mine. My base was an old Leica M6, so if you grew up in the digital age it might not feel so intuitive.
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So I went Canon crop, Canon Full, Sony Full with a Sony crop on the side, to Olympus M43 back to Sony to Fuji with Leica Full frame in parallel.

I have been a bit daft buying too many camera systems looking for the holy grail when I already had it - the one in my bag already....

I think today there is very little between cameras of comparable position being it entry, intermediate, enthusiast or pro gear. At each category, they are all as good as each other unless you go get the obvious stand out candidate. Like a Nikon D850 for example or an A7RIII.

If I were in your shoes, I would consider these:

1. First generation A7, full frame mirrorless now almost at the price you want to cap out at. Full frame but if you start buying the lenses, then they are not smaller than the lenses you have had in the past so you wont really make a size saving.
2. Olympus OM-D EM5 MKII or EM10 MKIII M43, bit noisy in the shadows but plenty good. EM5 MKii with a 12-40 Pro lens is all you need 90% of time and is weather sealed. However, it is a bit small for me I found so you might find it small too. Oh yeah, the sensor died in mine after 2 weeks.
3. Fuji XT-20 with the 18-55 lens. I think this is a great setup. I am considering this as my carry all kit. Only thing is the X-Trans image files are a pig to process nicely. Lightroom happily mangles the detail so care is needed in post.
4. Sony A6000 is long in the tooth, I think the 6300 is a better value proposition as low light is better handled

If it were me, I would consider the Fuji or the Sony A7 but that is probably just because that’s the route I took too.

All very very capable machines but like said earlier, hold on for the winter promotions... they will go on sale...

Remember I am an idiot, I know nothing, feel free to ignore me or message me directly for honest feedback like....

Olympus, would I go there again? No because I tend to underexpose images and pushing them adds too much noise too quickly. Sony, do I regret moving to Fuji from Sony? Yes and no. Yes, the Fuji can’t touch the sony for detail and resolution in flat out image quality but as the Fuji is crop sensor, then the lenses are smaller, the image quality is plenty good enough when I am not being a pixel snob, and I live in Scotland so the Fuji weather sealing is an absolute god send. Also when I say Sony is better image quality, we are talking like a Ferrari is faster than BMW M5 - yes it is but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the M5.

I hope some of this rambling makes sense...
Is the 1st gen A7 still considered to be good?
I'm shooting, as a beginner, on a Sony a58 and i was thinking about going to a a7II (a7iii too expensive) but if the normal a7 is good enough i could consider it
Is the 1st gen A7 still considered to be good?
I'm shooting, as a beginner, on a Sony a58 and i was thinking about going to a a7II (a7iii too expensive) but if the normal a7 is good enough i could consider it

The short answer is yes, it is.... but.... it doesnt have IBIS. Personally I think IBIS revolutionised the A7 series. So I would go for the A7ii if possible.
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The a77ii is getting dated, there is also the a68 which has most of the features of the a77ii but is somewhat less money.

For a long time it's been rumored that Sony has an a77iii in the works, but I'm wondering if it will ever make it to market. They seem to be putting all their resources into the E-mount line these days.
I don't like starting new threads so I'll hijack this one to ask a question about lenses.

My camera for now is the Sony a7ii. My "good" lens is the 70-200 f4 but now I'm trying to decide on what my next lens should be. I'm looking to upgrade for the sub-70mm range. I have the 28-70 kit lens that came with it and a cheap 50mm prime but I want something a little more premium for the mostly indoor shooting I do these days. So, if you guys had to pick one lens for the sub-70mm range what would it be? 35mm prime? A quality 20something and up zoom lens?
I don't like starting new threads so I'll hijack this one to ask a question about lenses.

My camera for now is the Sony a7ii. My "good" lens is the 70-200 f4 but now I'm trying to decide on what my next lens should be. I'm looking to upgrade for the sub-70mm range. I have the 28-70 kit lens that came with it and a cheap 50mm prime but I want something a little more premium for the mostly indoor shooting I do these days. So, if you guys had to pick one lens for the sub-70mm range what would it be? 35mm prime? A quality 20something and up zoom lens?
If you can find it, get the Tamron 28-75
(EDIT NOTE) - Oops, this was an old thread from Sept 2017 suddenly resurfacing. Content is the same for others considering, and updates with newest model.

Went through the same thing as upgrading wife's point-n-shoot long zoom canon. The zoom was so long that many times she would lose or couldn't find the subject on the LCD, and had no viewfinder so the sun would wipe out the LCD further complicating things. Small and had a viewfinder were her two requirements. Sony, Panasonic and Olympus models were the short list, and of them, Sony was the smallest with the largest sensor. Daughter had/has a 5000 with the attached external viewfinder prior to the 6000 being introduced. Son has a mixture of Panasonic/Olympus body and lens and very impressed with the photos he takes. Wife preferred the feel in her hands of the Sony a6000 over the others, so that narrowed it down. Overall takes great pictures, and the fact that it is still sold despite now 3 replacement models speaks for itself. Price hasn't really gone down that much, just appears so as it is the 'low price leader.' I think I paid $1000 for the 2 lens kit (16-50 and 55-210) while that same 2 lens kit is around $850 today, but they usually advertise the camera and 16-50 for around $600. Overall, she has been very happy with it and I have had to show her some of the more advanced features - like manual focus to avoid foreground focus in wildlife shots. Not as intuitive as my a7rII but was able to program one of the buttons to simplify manual focus. Battery life is much better than on the a7rII and they use the same battery.

Doesn't sound like you need a full frame...and yes, lens are significantly more expensive - plus the kit 28-70 was/is cheap, rubberized that I saw several not holding up to store traffic on display. I actually started mu Nikon transition with a borrowed A7, and there is a significant difference with the improvements in the A7II series. If I had to replace my wife's A6000 today would seriously look at the A6400 which was introduced last week. Scratching my head as marketing put it as the A5000 replacement...but frankly it is a A6000 body with viewfinder, not a A5000 form factor. Slotted between the A6300 and A6500, it's superb features doesn't justify the slight premium for the A6500. Prior to it's introduction I was looking at the A6300 with it's stronger video over the A6000 as wife's camera becomes a second shooter for me. Crop sensor is also great for wildlife with the longer effective lens than the same lens on a full frame.

While you are not in a hurry, would suggest playing with them in the various stores. Also might want to rent one for a weekend, etc. See which one you feel most comfortable with.
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