Is the video HD for baseball? I want to get the year subscription, but if it isn't HD or it is choppy, I am not interested. I was thinking of waiting until the regular season when they are in the big parks with all the regular HD cameras. Is there a free trial during the regular season to see if you are OK with the quality?
The video is HD quality for games that are broadcast in HD, which these days is nearly all of them during the regular season. It's not quite as good as HD on broadcast or cable, but it's pretty close. I was impressed.
MLB used to offer a free week of at the beginning of the season, but I haven't seen them do that in a few years. If you want to test it out, you can get a month of the standard service for $19.95, or premium for $24.99. The premium level offers the ability to watch either home or away feeds of the games, but I'm pretty sure you can only watch the home feed on the Apple TV, so it's probably not worth the extra dough if you aren't going to watch on your computer.
My Apple TV is connected to my network via 802.11G and I have no problems streaming HD here.