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Well it really depends on your need. If you are looking for web storage and backup solution then I advise Dropbox with which you can get up to 10.25GB of free storage with referral. They also have nice free apps for iPhone and iPad

If you are looking for email well, obviously Google Apps is the first to come to mind.

I only have 2 macs and no iphone or no iPad so I dont really see the need for MobileMe
Go And get it on ebay I pay only $44 for the personal

I got the Family MobileMe for $80

I Don't pay More that $50 for the 4yrs that i have my mobileme
"Google's computers process the information in your messages for various purposes, including formatting and displaying the information to you, delivering advertisements and related links, preventing unsolicited bulk email (spam), backing up your messages, and other purposes relating to offering you Gmail." -- Google's GMail Privacy Notice

"Google, Inc.'s Gmail webmail service utilizes Deep Packet Inspection to display advertisements based on email content. Gmail uses the inspection of email content to present targeted advertisements to Gmail users. The practice drew criticism from privacy advocates in the wake of Gmail's 2004 launch." -- Electronic Privacy Information Center

Don't forget they want to get advertisers to target you...!

Your left out this part:

"Information sharing and onward transfer

* When you send email, Google includes information such as your email address and the email itself as part of that email.
* We provide advertisers only aggregated non-personal information such as the number of times one of their ads was clicked. We do not sell, rent or otherwise share your personal information with any third parties except in the limited circumstances described in the Google Privacy Policy, such as when we believe we are required to do so by law.//"

Processing for ad matching is not a big deal to me. Giving it out to others is a problem. Something for nothing Google ain't.
Processing for ad matching is not a big deal to me. Giving it out to others is a problem. Something for nothing Google ain't.

"You know what the problem is? The problem is that when people hear the term 'big brother' they immediately think it’s bad or it’s scary. But I don’t, I think, 'l love my big brother'." -- Michael Scott, The Office

I fully understand the irony that I used Google to search for this quote, as well as the websites saying that Google will automatically collect data from my emails, searches, contacts, etc. to figure out what they can get me to buy. I use their services regularly, as I have come to the same conclusion as you have.

I personally am not going to bust out the tin-foil hats any time soon, as no judge in the world WOULD decide this, but there COULD BE legal implications to their data collection/processing...

"In the United States, violations of privacy with respect to the Fourth Amendment are based partly on whether the person had a legitimate expectation of privacy. If a major online e-mail provider such as Google is allowed to monitor private communications -- even in an automated way -- the expectations of e-mail privacy may be eroded. That is, courts may consider the service as evidence of a lack of a reasonable expectation in e-mail. Businesses and government organizations may thus find it easier to legally monitor e-mail communications. These effects are long-term and will undoubtedly outlive Google."
I tried MobilMe but i decided against. Google does the same syncing for free and if they want to share my data so that ads are something i might want to see instead of crap that i definitely dont then im fine with that. Infact, i welcome it. I AM. A consumer afterall.
I thinking MobileMe is great. Sign up for the free trial (3 months). Chances are when etc goes live, MobileMe is likely to become free to Apple users anyway, so you may never need to pay.

Even if you do, I'm more tempted to rely on a pay-for service than 'free' offerings from Google (you pay in other ways...).

What is this you speak of?
I actually just started my Mobile Me trial. My husband has had it for years, and he uses it regularly. For me, Find My iPhone/iPad is a plus...we used it this week to confirm that my husband hadn't left his behind on an errand, but it had slipped down between the seats in his car. I'm forever forgetting my phone in various parts of the house, usually with the ringer off, so being able to send a piercing sound that won't shut off for two minutes is a plus.

As for the rest, my favorite iPad app, Notebooks, has built in WebDAV sync. I tried for quite a while to see how to integrate it with Dropbox, and it was just going to be far more hassle than it was worth. Now with iDisk, it's one click and done; for the first time, I can access all that info anywhere. Syncing Contacts and Calendar is a plus too.

Can I replicate those things in other, cheaper ways? Probably, but it's more work.

Is it overpriced? Yep, just like every other Apple product. At least this one can be had for a lot less either through Amazon or eBay. At the end of my trial period, we'll end up doing a family plan through one of those two.
I actually just started my Mobile Me trial. My husband has had it for years, and he uses it regularly. For me, Find My iPhone/iPad is a plus...we used it this week to confirm that my husband hadn't left his behind on an errand, but it had slipped down between the seats in his car. I'm forever forgetting my phone in various parts of the house, usually with the ringer off, so being able to send a piercing sound that won't shut off for two minutes is a plus.

As for the rest, my favorite iPad app, Notebooks, has built in WebDAV sync. I tried for quite a while to see how to integrate it with Dropbox, and it was just going to be far more hassle than it was worth. Now with iDisk, it's one click and done; for the first time, I can access all that info anywhere. Syncing Contacts and Calendar is a plus too.

Can I replicate those things in other, cheaper ways? Probably, but it's more work.

Is it overpriced? Yep, just like every other Apple product. At least this one can be had for a lot less either through Amazon or eBay. At the end of my trial period, we'll end up doing a family plan through one of those two.

The problem is for the find function to work you need signal :)
the only people worried about google scanning their data is people that have stuff to hide. undoubtedly.

Agreed - who cares? Who actually gives a toss about google picking ads relevant to you other than civil liberties nutters?

If you have a bank account, are a member of a supermarket loyalty scheme or have a passport then these guys know a helluva lot more about you than google. It's modern life.
I've used MM for years, and I think it's certainly gotten better. I have no issues with iDisk, and I use it to keep work files synced on two separate Macs with no problems at all. I also use my .Mac email for personal mail, and it's almost 100% spam free compared to my Gmail or Cox mail.

Also having my mail, contacts and calendars synced between my Macs and my phone makes my life a great deal easier.

I wish it were cheaper, but as others have pointed out, you can get it for less than $99 pretty easily.
Agreed - who cares? Who actually gives a toss about google picking ads relevant to you other than civil liberties nutters?

If you have a bank account, are a member of a supermarket loyalty scheme or have a passport then these guys know a helluva lot more about you than google. It's modern life.

Hear hear!
Your left out this part:

"Information sharing and onward transfer

* When you send email, Google includes information such as your email address and the email itself as part of that email.
* We provide advertisers only aggregated non-personal information such as the number of times one of their ads was clicked. We do not sell, rent or otherwise share your personal information with any third parties except in the limited circumstances described in the Google Privacy Policy, such as when we believe we are required to do so by law.//"

Processing for ad matching is not a big deal to me. Giving it out to others is a problem. Something for nothing Google ain't.

what when I send an email the actual email I wrote out is included in that email AND the email address I have sent it from is included - shock horror but thats how email works - unless when you send an email from mobileme the reciever only gets a blank email :p

and do you not understand how internet adverts work? of course the person who has bought the adverts get the information on how many times their add is clicked on - because that is how they get charged and can judge if that advert model is useful to them

hell even iAd tells the advertiser the amount of times the ad is viewed, how many times it is clicked on, apple even stores the precise geolocation where the device is and can use that info to provide targeted adverts
hey can someone with both mobile me and gmail do this:

1. from mobileme web interface just send a standard email to their gmail account

2. then go into gmail and open the email

3. click on the little arrow down (next to reply) and then click show original

a load of text is shown

can someone check if your home IP address is shown, if it is there it will be under one of the sender headings
Is it worth buying mobileme for my ipad (wifi only) and macbook pro?

What do you guys use it for?

Im also wondering if its possible for mobileme to trace a lost ipad if its not connected to wifi?

Worth every penny IMO. I like how easily all of my email, contacts, calendar appointments, keychains, email rules, notes, etc are synced across all of my computers, phone and iPad. It's also very useful for storing a file on my iDisk that I will need when I go into the office. I also like to back up important files on my iDisk.

It's not cheap but it's very easy to use and works great for me.

Apple's rumoured site which will allow you to play your music from the cloud, not just your computer.

Does 'your music' mean 'all of your music' or 'all the music you got from iTunes'? Big difference, given the most of my music is from my CD collection.
I've had MobileMe for years too, but have decided not to renew it. Google + Dropbox is a solution that works best for me because I don't need 20gb's of data on idisk (which is slow to sync and oddly buggy with Word docs (autosave)).

Part of my decision was based on a problem with idisk; some of the contents were erased (don't know how - not part of this story) and I emailed Apple to have the idisk contents restored. 5 days later they still hadn't restored the data, which was horrible because of all the important files I stored there. I eventually helped myself from a TimeMachine'd sparseimage, but really, for $100/year I should have had my data restored by Apple pretty quickly.

Just isn't worth the money in my opinion.
what when I send an email the actual email I wrote out is included in that email AND the email address I have sent it from is included - shock horror but thats how email works - unless when you send an email from mobileme the reciever only gets a blank email :p

and do you not understand how internet adverts work? of course the person who has bought the adverts get the information on how many times their add is clicked on - because that is how they get charged and can judge if that advert model is useful to them

hell even iAd tells the advertiser the amount of times the ad is viewed, how many times it is clicked on, apple even stores the precise geolocation where the device is and can use that info to provide targeted adverts

Dude, I posted that quote because it clears the air about Googles use of the data. I don't like them scanning the email data stream, but if that's the price of free email that's acceptable so long as personal info is not given to third parties.
I've has MMe since my first iPhone in 2007. With the addition of my MBA and iPad, MMe is even better for me. I use it for everything. Keeps my work contacts and calendar in perfect sync.
Wow. Those on a Mac know you can sync Calendar / Contacts / Notes /Bookmarks and Mail already through iTunes, right?

I got MobileMe because I was curious. I have used the find my phone once, and LOVE the live bookmark synching without going through iTunes. But is it really worth it? Meh, for online file storage, there are better ways.
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