You mustn't know where to look. It's there.
what do you mean? that if you look in the spam folder that's where you find it?
because that is where it is supposed to be! I like the other person has never had a single spam email in my inbox and also never a correct email in the spam folder.
the only reason you wouldnt get much spam at all is if you dont use the email, I have a hotmail account I don't use and have never got a spam email at all, yet if I used it and signed up for stuff them I'm sure I would be spamed to hell.
I took a 2 year hiatus from MobileMe back when it was .Mac and when I decided to come back not only did I still have my same username but all of my old emails were still there in the inbox.
yes but if you use your email (say have bought something from amazon on it) then if you decide to leave you have to go through all the sites you used it on and change them to your new one, which anyway you cut it will be a major hassle, or you could just not use the email service that you are paying for and just use a free email account (say a gmail account) but surely you should just use gmail fullstop then with its free syncing? (obviously this is if you signed up for all the services of mobileme and not just find me bit)