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phew took me so long o unlock this thx guys... but now i have problems using the installer ......zz
downgrade problems

hi there i have the same problem i have upgraded and then want to downgrade again. whenever i want to try and put my phone into dfu mode, whatever software i use detects it trys to put it into boot mode but instead of being black the image of the the lead and(i am using the force restore method by holding down shift and selecting the 1.4 file) it comes up with error 20

please please could someone help
Hi guys as you can guess i messed up big by updating to 2.0 like an idiot well it seems that most of you are getting your iphones back to good status well.. i also am hearing that you guys are using itunes 7.5 to fix this problem well when i use 7.5 for some reason itunes will not even read my iphone in the first place so i cant restore it if i wanted to well.. i was just woundering if someone could walk me through this issue plz plz im desprete.. just let me know i will keep checking this.. thanks guys
Hi Guys

i have tried everything you guys have written i downloaded itunes 7,5 did the dfu mode installed 1.1.4 update got the error then ran zphone patched then reinstalled the 1.1.4 update again in recovery mode but still get the error showing up what else can i do i had 1.1.4 update but stupidly :mad: updated to 2.0 and it bricked it anyway to cut a long story short got back to 1.1.4 but now cant get it unlocked for any sim becasue of this dam 4.05.04 G bandbase thingy is there anything else i can try i have tried for 2 days solidly here and still no luck any help pointers or anything will do will try it all

many thanks :D
:) pleased to say got it up and running now thank god or you guys the problem being i was using the wrong patched ver of ziphone patched so now back to normal phone now yeaaa will now wait for ver 2.0 to be unlocked if any guys get it could they send me the link to would be most thankfull

hi roger

could you please let me know what steps you too9k to downgrade your phone really need to know

Complete instructions

1) Get the tools. Here's what you will need
A.) iPhone 1.1.4 Firmware
B.) iTunes 7.5 (windows or mac version)
C.) iLiberty (again, either windows or mac version)
D.) KiPhone (This is KEY! Thank you SO much kIREmk for releasing this! It is a patched version, available for windows or mac)

2.) Downgrade iTunes from 7.7 to version 7.5.
A.) Run the following commands: defaults write StoreActivationMode -boolean NO
B.) defaults write StoreGeniusMode -boolean NO
This will assist you in not getting those funky errors and having to re-authorize your iPhone every time iTunes detects your iPhone after each step
C.) Run the following command from a terminal session:
killall iTunesHelper
D.) Delete the following files by running the following commands while still in terminal:
sudo rm -r /Applications/
sudo rm -r /Library/Receipts/iTunesX.pkg
sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/*
This will prevent you from receiving any permission denied errors.

3.) Putting the phone in DFU mode.
I will reference this multiple times. So I’m just posting it here.
A.) While still connected to the USB cable, power off the iPhone by holding the power button for 3 seconds, then moving the slider to the right to complete the shut down.
B.) Next, hold the power (top of the iPhone) and home button simultaneously for *exactly* 10 seconds.
C.) Release the POWER button, but keep holding the home Button down, again for about 10 seconds (this is also known as DFU mode). Itunes will report back that a phone has been detected in recovery mode, although the screen is black. If iTunes was shut down, it will automatically open and report the said message.
If the screen shows anything else like a cable to iTunes graphic (tether), try again, you goofed.

4.) Option click on restore, it will ask you for the location of the iPhone1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw file. Locate the file you previously downloaded and select it. Click open. Another option is to locate it from within your already downloaded images from when you originally updated your iPhone. The image file is located at: Users/(your username here)/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates folder. There should be a few of them in there so make sure you select the 1.1.4 one, it is the only one that will work with this method.

5.) When the restore completes you should receive the error number 1015.

6.) After your iPhone reboots (after you clicked away the 1015 error), your iPhone will automatically go into recovery mode (not to be confused with DFU mode). It should look like a tether USB cable pointing to iTunes image)

7.) Open iLiberty and kick your iPhone out of recovery mode.

8.) Run the Kiphone utility and downgrade your baseband... VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT iERASE YOUR BASEBAND. YOU CAN BRICK YOUR iPHONE!

9.) Restore your iPhone with the previously mentioned 1.1.4 restore image one last time

That's it!
Now if you want to unlock/jailbreak again feel free to do so with iLiberty
You are now the proud owner of a fully restored (and possibly) unlocked/jailbroken iPhone with the proper baseband. All is well in the Apple iPhone world again. Now, don't go updating your iPhone again until the iPhone Dev group releases iPhone pwnage tool 2.0
Have a nice day and remember to support your iPhone Dev Team!
Oh yeah, don't forget to download and update iTunes 7.7 again after you are done.
WOW bloody finally i get my iphone in working condition. thanks martinez!!!

i got nowhere for many days simply because I thought my phone was in DFU mode but it wasn't. your screen will go completely blank when it is in DFU mode:

ONE hint: the manual way of putting your phone in DFU mode is tricky. I suggest using Iliberty+ to put your phone into dfu Mode


1. using itunes 7.5 (not 7.7), press shift and restore. select the 1.1.4 firmware you can download (you'll be able to find links on Google for this fw)

2. let it restore...should take about 5 - 10 mins

3. you should get a 1015 error. this is normal. if you get a error in the 1600's then there may be some problems. you will get error 1015 because you still have the baseband from the 2.0 upgrade you did earlier.

4. open iliberty+ and "kick out of restore mode". this should not take more than 20 seconds. this step is required to get the phone in "normal" condition so that you can run the modded ziphone app.

5. once that is done, run the modified ziphone by kiremk with all three boxes checked.....let it do its thing. it should take about 5 - 10 mins...

6. once that is done, i got an error on my iphone saying "Repair Needed - Iphone cannot make or receive calls" this is normal....don't worry about this....this will be fixed when you restore again to the 1.1.4 fw.

7. put your phone again in dfu mode either by manual mode or by iliberty+. then shift and click restore in itunes. select the 1.1.4 fw. let it restore.

8. after the restore you should NOT get any errors including the 1015 error which you got before...

9. Then i used the normal ziphone 3.0 and all was OK!!

my only question is if i would like to use WinPwn now can I? or will I have to resore back to 1.1.4 then use winpwn?

thanks guys....I am really glad my thing worked and If anyone needs any help i will be more than happy to help......PM me if u need anything!

cheers from INDIA!

why do we need to update to itunes 7.7 once we are done? i am still with 7.5 and i have told itunes not to automatically check for FW updates. what additional benefit will itunes 7.7 give me?

also i used ziphone 3.0 in the last step and my phone is all OK now....but I like what you can do with can set up your own custom boot images....can i do this after i have used ziphone to jailbreak and unlock my phone?

thanks for the help in advance....

1) Get the tools. Here's what you will need
A.) iPhone 1.1.4 Firmware
B.) iTunes 7.5 (windows or mac version)
C.) iLiberty (again, either windows or mac version)
D.) KiPhone (This is KEY! Thank you SO much kIREmk for releasing this! It is a patched version, available for windows or mac)

2.) Downgrade iTunes from 7.7 to version 7.5.
A.) Run the following commands: defaults write StoreActivationMode -boolean NO
B.) defaults write StoreGeniusMode -boolean NO
This will assist you in not getting those funky errors and having to re-authorize your iPhone every time iTunes detects your iPhone after each step
C.) Run the following command from a terminal session:
killall iTunesHelper
D.) Delete the following files by running the following commands while still in terminal:
sudo rm -r /Applications/
sudo rm -r /Library/Receipts/iTunesX.pkg
sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/*
This will prevent you from receiving any permission denied errors.

3.) Putting the phone in DFU mode.
I will reference this multiple times. So I’m just posting it here.
A.) While still connected to the USB cable, power off the iPhone by holding the power button for 3 seconds, then moving the slider to the right to complete the shut down.
B.) Next, hold the power (top of the iPhone) and home button simultaneously for *exactly* 10 seconds.
C.) Release the POWER button, but keep holding the home Button down, again for about 10 seconds (this is also known as DFU mode). Itunes will report back that a phone has been detected in recovery mode, although the screen is black. If iTunes was shut down, it will automatically open and report the said message.
If the screen shows anything else like a cable to iTunes graphic (tether), try again, you goofed.

4.) Option click on restore, it will ask you for the location of the iPhone1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw file. Locate the file you previously downloaded and select it. Click open. Another option is to locate it from within your already downloaded images from when you originally updated your iPhone. The image file is located at: Users/(your username here)/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates folder. There should be a few of them in there so make sure you select the 1.1.4 one, it is the only one that will work with this method.

5.) When the restore completes you should receive the error number 1015.

6.) After your iPhone reboots (after you clicked away the 1015 error), your iPhone will automatically go into recovery mode (not to be confused with DFU mode). It should look like a tether USB cable pointing to iTunes image)

7.) Open iLiberty and kick your iPhone out of recovery mode.

8.) Run the Kiphone utility and downgrade your baseband... VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT iERASE YOUR BASEBAND. YOU CAN BRICK YOUR iPHONE!

9.) Restore your iPhone with the previously mentioned 1.1.4 restore image one last time

That's it!
Now if you want to unlock/jailbreak again feel free to do so with iLiberty
You are now the proud owner of a fully restored (and possibly) unlocked/jailbroken iPhone with the proper baseband. All is well in the Apple iPhone world again. Now, don't go updating your iPhone again until the iPhone Dev group releases iPhone pwnage tool 2.0
Have a nice day and remember to support your iPhone Dev Team!
Oh yeah, don't forget to download and update iTunes 7.7 again after you are done.

why do we need to update to itunes 7.7 once we are done? i am still with 7.5 and i have told itunes not to automatically check for FW updates. what additional benefit will itunes 7.7 give me?

also i used ziphone 3.0 in the last step and my phone is all OK now....but I like what you can do with can set up your own custom boot images....can i do this after i have used ziphone to jailbreak and unlock my phone?

thanks for the help in advance....

To be honest there is only two advantages, the ability to upgrade to 2.0 and the ability to do a backup with every sync. Yes, you can load custom images, obviously you need to have been jailbreak/unlocked first in order to accomplish this, but this is where you have to be most careful, some of ZiPhones methods are really buggy and if you search Google, you will see just how many iPhones have been bricked using sub-par hacks. Your mileage may vary.


why do we need to update to itunes 7.7 once we are done? i am still with 7.5 and i have told itunes not to automatically check for FW updates. what additional benefit will itunes 7.7 give me?

also i used ziphone 3.0 in the last step and my phone is all OK now....but I like what you can do with can set up your own custom boot images....can i do this after i have used ziphone to jailbreak and unlock my phone?

thanks for the help in advance....

To replace the files you deleted when downgrading... You don't HAVE to, but you can, as long as you don't hit the restore button and try to update your firmware again. That is, until the pwnage 2.0 comes out...
I am not a fan of ZiPhone, the developer of that app has proven he knows better how to brick your iPhone and not really code too cleanly, that guy's a wannabe... Do a Google search, you will see. His methods re-write/hack the baseband, instead of just unlocking it (unencrypt it)... It's your choice but honestly, don't say you weren't warned when you brick your iPhone the next time you try to upgrade or downgrade firmware or basebands.
I'm a tool and I admit it....

Ok, so I am sort of glad to know I am not the only tool who upgraded to 2.0 and basically made my phone no longer work. However, I am having problems downgrading itunes, finding firmware 1.1.4, and basically everything to make my phone work again. It's stuck in the connect to itunes mode. If there is someone out there who can help, please let me know. I'm stuck and very frustrated. I did download the patch and that won't run on my mac. It keeps quitting.

Thank you in advance to anyone who might be able to solve my problem. Please feel free to email me with tips at

im doing all the steps just when I get to restore it the first time on itunes it will not restore and give me an error 20
Excellent TUTORIAL

I have been trying to get the other tutorial to work for 2 days, this one worked PERFECT!!!!

Thank You:D:D:D:D
im doing all the steps just when I get to restore it the first time on itunes it will not restore and give me an error 20

this is becase you are doing the restore in recovery mode as opposed to DFU mode.

i was stuck on this for a couple of days untill i figured out how to put it in DFU my instructions...

download iliberty+ and there is an option to put it in dfu mode....once your screen turns blank and itunes says your phone needs to be restored, press shift and restore, select the 1.1.4 firmware you can download from apple, and let it restore!
HELP please!!

I got to about step 7 of trying to downgrade and now my phone is frozen. It's stuck with the apple icon on the screen and won't do anything. None of my programs recognize it when I hook it up to the USB cord. Please someone help.
I got to about step 7 of trying to downgrade and now my phone is frozen. It's stuck with the apple icon on the screen and won't do anything. None of my programs recognize it when I hook it up to the USB cord. Please someone help.

Dear brookegolff, I think you stuck in putting the iPhone (correct) in DFU mode. To boot the iPhone in DFU mode;

1. ) Turn the iPhone off (if it's rebooting in a loop no problem)
2. ) Hold Home + power button (10seconds), you will see now a picture of iTunes (release power!) while keep holding HOME until iTunes pops up a recovery alert.

Then flollow step 4 (

I recommend to twicely upgrade to 1.1.4 (after step 4, repeat step 4).
Because Liberty can't kick out otherwise your iPhone (use ibricker

Goodluck :apple:
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