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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 16, 2008
Hi folks,

I have a 2018 MBP 13 running Mojave 10.14.2

It seems about once a day the system will beach ball needing a restart. The first symptom is that web pages don't load and then when I move the cursor over the wireless symbol in the taskbar the system beach balls.

Activity Monitor shows SystemUIServer not responding. Force quitting closes it but doesn't fix the problem and I need to restart. Any ideas?



Feb 9, 2003
i don't think the behavior is limited to a specific device such as a MacBook Pro.
it is happening on many kinds of devices.
but not as severe as you report.
i think it is a Safari problem. as the beachball is strangely appearing more these days after Mojave's version of Safari.
but if you have 16GB of RAM instead of 8GB it doesn't cause any significant problem.
it sounds that you may be doing significant process in the background with only minimal memory.


macrumors 65816
Oct 22, 2018
Is the beachball appearing on Safari when you have a Finder window open? I think it's a Finder issue, not Safari. Try closing your Finder windows and then opening Safari. Please report back. My Finder is fried, but Safari is fine.


macrumors newbie
Jun 26, 2013
Hi folks,

I have a 2018 MBP 13 running Mojave 10.14.2

It seems about once a day the system will beach ball needing a restart. The first symptom is that web pages don't load and then when I move the cursor over the wireless symbol in the taskbar the system beach balls.

Activity Monitor shows SystemUIServer not responding. Force quitting closes it but doesn't fix the problem and I need to restart. Any ideas?


Hey all, had the exact same thing on nTB 13" 2017. Back to HS, no problem. Updating to Mojave, problem returns. Now, 48 hours on a clean install 10.14.2, seems ok so far! Pffff! Who knows....


macrumors 68000
Oct 14, 2013
Having the same crap here. Is it easy to do a clean install? How did you revert to HS??


macrumors newbie
Jun 26, 2013
Having the same crap here. Is it easy to do a clean install? How did you revert to HS??

I have kept usb sticks with images of latest High Sierra & Mojave made with DiskmakerX. Still running with no problem since the clean install. Process was easy, first a time machine backup from HS, clean install of Mojave and then restore of the backup.

Give it a try and see!!!


macrumors 68000
Oct 14, 2013
I have kept usb sticks with images of latest High Sierra & Mojave made with DiskmakerX. Still running with no problem since the clean install. Process was easy, first a time machine backup from HS, clean install of Mojave and then restore of the backup.

Give it a try and see!!!
I have some Time machine backups.
1 Are my documents as pictures etc saved there?
2 If I do a clean install will my documents on the boot hard disk be erased?
3 If I do a clean install will my wifi password etc be erased?
4 If I restore the Time machine copy will it not simply overwrite the clean install?
5 Will I need to reinstall my apps?


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2009
Is the beachball appearing on Safari when you have a Finder window open? I think it's a Finder issue, not Safari. Try closing your Finder windows and then opening Safari. Please report back. My Finder is fried, but Safari is fine.

Mine freezes up on wifi and then I cannot use an app or load an app nor logout or even quit an app. I have to hard shutdown and the startup and everything is ok. It happens after logging in after being away for a while. Frustrating!

I have reinstalled the MacOS and it still happens. It just happened while everything was fine and running ok. Menu froze on wifi. ARGH!
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macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2008
2018 MacBook Pro on 10.14.2 here, and I'm getting frustrating lag throughout the system.

often times clicking into a text field (in safari, finder, etc) causes the system to hang for 3-4 seconds. deleting or moving files in finder causes weird situations where the window won't update, making it appear that the file didn't move even though it did. and bootup or sleep/wake literally takes twice as long as a MacBook Pro from 8 years ago. its really disappointing watching the quality of these products erode the past few years.
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macrumors member
Jan 15, 2014
Same problem with a late 2012 Mac Mini i7 SSD, the problem starts once I open an encrypted DMG file, or work around big photo files. I have noticed that if I left the beach ball running some kind of temporal file is being created until the system runs out of working hard disk space.


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2011
2018 MacBook Pro on 10.14.2 here, and I'm getting frustrating lag throughout the system.

often times clicking into a text field (in safari, finder, etc) causes the system to hang for 3-4 seconds. deleting or moving files in finder causes weird situations where the window won't update, making it appear that the file didn't move even though it did. and bootup or sleep/wake literally takes twice as long as a MacBook Pro from 8 years ago. its really disappointing watching the quality of these products erode the past few years.

I have the same issue on my iMac; that 3-4 second hang is really annoying, and happens all the time (and mostly when switching to Apple programs, like Messages, Email, Safari, etc). One of these days I'll do a clean reinstall and see if that helps.


macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
Leave activity monitor open and see what's pulling resources if possible. Sort by cpu use.


macrumors member
Aug 18, 2009
Ain't that funny: my beach ball problems disappeared after upgrading to 10.14.2
It's a wonderful world and ... no 2 mac's are alike it seems.
[doublepost=1547765313][/doublepost]I upgraded to Mojave and had constant reach balls. Went to Apple store where guru did a clean install. Now running 14.1.2 and still getting the beach ball. I tried Firefox but it did not solve the problem. It's maddening!


macrumors 65816
Oct 22, 2018
Beachball in Finder solved after the 14.2 upgrade. But displaying folder icons in Finder is totally hit and miss. Thank Steves for “killall Finder”.


macrumors regular
Jan 20, 2019
Was considering returning my brand new Macbook Air as this was happening daily for me, left long enough the Mac would power off.

I've installed the 14.1.3 beta and "touch wood" it seems to have stopped, been 3 days without freezing or powering off now.


macrumors 68000
Mar 16, 2011
Which is why I'm unwilling to update until I hear enough people that don't have problems :/ I'm on 14.1 and it has been fairly stable.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2015
I got tired of 10.14.2’s random hangups, with or without a Beach Ball. Worse yet 10.14.2 would then rush to process ALL the keyboard & mouse clicks that happened while it was “indisposed”. So I reverted to a bootable clone of my system partition taken prior to the 10.14.2 update. I’m now running 10.14.1 and the hangups seem to have gone away :)

One thing I noticed when running 10.14.2 was the lack of memory swapping. Activity Monitor would whinge about memory pressure — often yellow and sometimes red — but still no “Swap Used”. In 10.14.1 the Activity Monitor shows less memory pressure and several hundred MB of Swap Used.

Swapping may or may not have anything to do with 10.14.2 hanging up on my Mac Mini. But you may want to check it out on your Mac.

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macrumors regular
Jan 20, 2019
5 days now without a single freeze/power off, I think 10.14.3 has fixed this issue :)


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2011
5 days now without a single freeze/power off, I think 10.14.3 has fixed this issue :)
Not for me unfortunately. I'm still seeing plenty of beachballs, and had one random reboot (which is rare).
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