Well let me just say- not all third-party reseller's are as knowledgable or as talented as the members of this forum, and I believe that this may be a source of their confusion; the Apple, after all, does not fall far from the tree.
I personally, am a huge fan of the FCPX software, the 5,1 machine-and the capabilities it's brought me. The only reason I "need" macOS is FCPX-every other reason is a want, that I can work around with Command Prompt in Windows on a PC if required. I've put food on my table with plenty of work done on my Mac's, I'm pretty sure that classifies me a "pro" by any yard-stick you want to use; but I know of the big-name artists-type you speak.
Well, I agree there are discrepancies - I also believe there is a middle-ground that could be explored via a GPU/APU application of existing chipsets during heavy work-load cycles.