2' from a 45-50" monitor is in Mr. Magoo land. Those are as likely uncorrected eyes as much as old eyes. Relatively poor rendering is likely part of the issue for more so than the need to make the individual pixels larger. Don't really need to go to pixel doubling to get to better rendering..
Well, call me Mr. Magoo. My uncorrected vision is 20/400 in both eyes and its been that way for about 52 years. About 10 years ago I found I needed bifocals. That really got me. One day it will probably get you too. I also bough a pair of eyeglasses optimized for viewing a monitor at 2-3 feet. I wear them for all my computer work and I can see the screen just fine.
I don't think the issue is rendering of the text. The letters are just plain small. At about 10" without my glasses (my maximum uncorrected clear range) they are very sharp. The type I'm using right now is less that 1/8" tall on my screen. Some of the diagrams I draw can be 20 feet wide. I want to see and read as much as possible of one diagram at a time. For that I need a large screen and to make the most of the pixels I need less than 100/inch.
Incrementing the monitor size every 4-5 years by 2-3" as get older isn't solving a problem... it is just kicking the can down the road.
Where did you get the idea that I'm upgrading that way? Whenever a new monitor comes out with significantly more pixels, I buy it. I'm not buying the monitor by size but by pixel count. However I try to keep the pixel density about the same. This next monitor will probably be my last in terms of physical size because I can't fit anything larger in my field of view. As retina type displays with more than 4K come along I may by one for improved crispness, but that won't help with the text size.
I've thought of going with a multi-monitor setup working one diagram across multiple monitors, but I'm uncomfortable with that approach. I may change my mind some day.
What makes what I'm doing sound to you like kicking the can? What underlying problem do you think I should be addressing instead of buying a large monitor? Have you ever drawn an entity relationship diagram with 300-500 entities and 800 relationships all labeled in 10 point font and tried to work with it effectively? The more than I can see and read at one time, the better. Maybe, some day I can buy a thin-film 20' diagonal touch screen monitor and mount it on my wall. That might be a good solution, if I'm not using a walker by then.
I believe I'm doing the best I can to maximize my personal efficiency. Fortunately the Seiki isn't all that expensive and I'm still hoping for something better.
If you're an eye doctor and know something I can do to improve my vision beyond the 20/20 corrective lenses I'm currently using, please tell me about it.