why would your mac need to be always on? (not saying we're not headed that way). if you're off of it for, say, four hours, what does it need to do? (& there is power nap).lol I am just joking since people were so mad when Apple took it away a few years ago. I think this was in 2016.
But yeah essentially a truly always on device, maybe some additional graphical effects or tasks that can better be handled by the gpu on the operating system itself since we have such a leap in terms of performance in that area over Intel igpu. Potentially integrating cellular across all models etc.
Very exciting times for the mac ahead IMO. The only thing that kept me back from the new notchbooks is the lack of Face ID. Once that is in, I am in.
but amazing to me that someone would reject the macbook because there's no face id. i don't care how i sign into my mac, it's the work (& play) i do once signed in that matters.