my $0.02
Comments as of revision Wednesday 11-23-05, 18:30 Zulu:
whocares said:
Submission rules:
7. The artwork - including shooting of photo(s), must be created during the assignment period.
11. Artwork may be created by any kind of digital camera and any post-processing ("Photoshopping") the member sees fit. Post-processing must meet Photoshopping rules detailed below.
12. Scans of film may or may not be permitted.
2. Only members who submitted artwork to current assignment may enter the discussion.
Photoshopping rules:
1. All Photoshopping must be accompanied with its detailed description so all may benefit from it.
My comments:
Submission-7: I understand the intent, but this will cause a hardship for some of us who would like to contribute, but whose schedules don't permit.
My suggestion is to revise #7 so that the assignement also calls out the "act of photo" period, with the default being the same. Doing this then allows the flexibility to decouple the assignment date from the "act of photo" date, which would then allow some assignments to specifically be given "no" time period restrictions and thus be opened up to allow old works.
Submission-11+12: the intent appears to be to keep this to a "purist" digital imaging from the start, but (a) is this really necessary? and (b) is it really important to do this?
Given the rapid growth in popularity of digital and the relative nuisance it can be to scan film, I don't personally think we're going to see many digitized film submissions anyway...probably well under 10%. As such, I'd opine that its not a big enough problem to worry about.
Similarly, I would say that exclusion of digitized scans of film might be a way to reduce the potential for someone to cheat on Assignement dates, but someone who wants to cheat will figure out how to falsify EXIF data anyway: it would probably be more effective to have a "no cheating on dates" rule than to try to enforce it through an indirect means.
My suggested reworks here are:
11. Artwork may be created by any kind of still camera and any post-processing ("Photoshopping") the member sees fit. Post-processing must meet Photoshopping rules detailed below.
12. Scans of film are permitted, but require documentation of the date of the original as well as the date of the scan be known.
Comments-2: If only a member who submitted artwork can enter a discussion, two things can happen:
a) some people will submit garbage just to be able to then discuss
b) a valued regular who for some reason wasn't able to submit this month will be administratively not allowed to participate in the month he missed.
Recommend changing this to say that in order to participate, discussants must have submitted at least "X times within the past Y assignments", where X=1 and Y=3 are IMO reasonable values to work within. My rationale gets back to the question of what is the real underlying purpose here: is it primarily to show images, or to use the images as a starting point for discussions?
Photoshopping rules-1: how much detail will be required for common tasks, such as Auto-levels and cropping? Is it sufficient to merely say "Auto-Level & Composition Crop"?
My suggestion here would be to say that a general description of very minor stuff is fine, but when the changes become involved (noteworthy), then the submission should include both a "before" and "after" image to be submitted.