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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 16, 2016
For the Mopar fans out there it seemed fitting... even though I have never been a decal-on-computer guy.

It’s not a Pro (392) and it’s not an Ultra (Demon). It’s a Max (Hellcat!)




macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
It's not MOPAR, but it is the first time I wanted a decal on my Mac.

17" PowerBook G4 1Ghz. (Yes, it works and yes, I still use it).

2022-03-26 11.51.59.jpg
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Wow that is pretty good. What do you use that machine for these days?
It's on 10.5.8 with 2GB ram and a 128GB mSATA3 SSD (via a IDE<>SSD adapter case). So, it's no speed demon but it isn't slow either. I mainly use it for web browsing when out at coffee shops. It has Airport Extreme, but I bought a PC wireless card (not shown) that allows me to connect to 5ghz networks (such as what you'd find at a coffee shop).

At home, light web browsing, word processing (Office 2008) and some light Photoshop work. It'll run CS4, but CS has a lighter foot print so I use that.

I'm in the process of cleaning up my garage into my personal space. When I get done I'm going to see about using it as some sort of terminal to access my book collection (which I intend to put into a database). Bluetooth is still usable, so I can also stream music from my NAS.

There's a whole other PowerPC community here on MacRumors dedicated to keeping old Macs viable, so web browsing is still possible if you're wondering about how I can still do that.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I'm not one for decals on my laptop either but that is tastefully done.
Thanks. At the time I put that on, I wanted something to represent my major use of that Mac. It'd been back and forth with me to various coffee shops so I could browse the internet while sipping coffee. At one time, it was also my son's connection to internet at the coffee shop through a short ethernet cable and Internet Sharing (his WiFi antenna on his iBook was bad). Those were good times.

I'm not a fan of stickers all over my Mac, so finding something that was simple and representative involved some searching. It's the only Mac I've ever done this to.
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