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Another vote here for both Onyx and VoodooPad. Just discovered VoodooPad the other day, actually, and it is really, really handy.

I also really like:
They are both very handy and very nicely implemented.
celebrian23 said:
this may seem silly, but my favorite widget is preinstalled- the unit conversion. I find myself constantly wondering what 20,000 euros is. Or how much 25 kilos really is. Or what 15celcius feels like. or how many feet are in 7 miles. I can easily do this math without any difficulty

I also always wonder how many euros make one kilo, and how many feet there are within the range of seven miles, but that widget couldn't answer these questions for me. However, thanks to my Powerbook I know what 50 degree celsius feel. I just need to touch it when I work with it ;-)

As for nice tools: Can't live without Desktop manager anymore..
iPhotoBuddy is very helpful to me, since I can keep work and home libraries separate. Makes things much nicer. That's probably the most useful non-Apple supplied program I've got.

Senuti is also good for getting music off of my iPod onto my Mac.

Pacifist for installing only selected parts of a huge disk image.

Coconut Battery to keep an eye on my Powerbook.

Gmail notifier to free up a tab in Safari...
Audio Hijack Pro is great for recording ANY audio source.

The most useful widget in my opinion would be the weather widget.Who doesn't want to know what the weather is outside eh? Plus you can use it for other cities if you're going to be traveling.

I agree with other posts about Handbrake and Unit Converter.Great apps.
codo said:
This is a wonderfully useful thread.

I'm starting to find quick silver becoming one of my most fond and most used Mac apps - I can get everything done so quickly and lessen mouse strokes and the blimin finder.

I used Quicksilver back when I had my G4 powerbook and Tiger wasn't out. However, now that there's spotlight what's the point of using QS?

I'm not making any opinions on Quicksilver. I'm really asking since on the surface, spotlight does what QS does.
Here's two that I use.
PTHPasteboard is a pasteboard buffer application. It keeps track of the last 20 (changeable in preferences) items that you copied/cut and allows you to paste them at any time. You should move this application to one of your Applications directories and set it to autolaunch on login.
MaxiMice adds clickless scrolling and window dragging to all Cocoa applications. Views will automatically scroll when the mouse pointer comes close to an edge and windows can be both moved and scrolled by holding down a modifier key - no need to manipulate scroll widgets or to drag windows by their title bar. MaxiMice is ideal for owners of laptops or older mice and provides relief for people suffering from RSI or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Just to correct myself on my previous mis-post, Seashore clearly tells users how to draw straight lines under the options tab: hold shift and apple keys. Thankyou for your suggestions though, but I think I will stay with Seashore.
gear02 said:
I used Quicksilver back when I had my G4 powerbook and Tiger wasn't out. However, now that there's spotlight what's the point of using QS?

I'm not making any opinions on Quicksilver. I'm really asking since on the surface, spotlight does what QS does.

Completely different applications. Quicksilver is much more than a launcher.

read those
LaunchBar...for whatever reason I like it much more than QuickSilver. It has become so useful that I often find myself hitting CMD-Esc in Apple Stores or on my family's other computers...:p
Here's my MVPs:

Transmission - bt client
Ad-block plus - plug-in for firefox to get rid of those annoying ads on websites
Flashblock - plug-in for firefox to block those annoying flash ads
Dictionay Tooltip - double click any word in ur broswer and pop comes the definition.

It's the little things :)
Almost forgot the G5 optimized FireFox/Deer Park. Along with the Adblock, Image Toolbar, Spellbound, and Tab X extensions. Safari's ok, but I use FF all the time.
have just downloaded quicksilver, pretty cool app, although am still pretty slow on it, still need to get used to it.

also found coconut battery to be prety cool, nice to see how my battery is holding up!

does anyone know if leaving my macbook constantly plugged in while in use, sleeping or off, will cause any battery damage or degradation?

thanks for all your replies, keep em comin!
ham_man said:
LaunchBar...for whatever reason I like it much more than QuickSilver. It has become so useful that I often find myself hitting CMD-Esc in Apple Stores or on my family's other computers...:p

Are there any free-ware apps. like launchbar? It seems to be a great program, but not that great to pay $20 for it.


Onyx Keeping things ship shape.

Mac The Ripper Makes it very easy to back up your DVD's

Flip4Mac Essential for viewing WMV, without having to install Windows media player.

Stuffit I hate this piece of software, but is essential for opening some files that you have downloaded.

Camino Browser Same engine as Firefox, but has the beautiful mac-like interface.

CoconutBattery Lets you see how fast your battery is diminishing capacity wise.

GoogleEarth Cool little app for viewing the globe.

Tunatic Finds music title and artist, by simply listening through your microphone.

Locker Dashboard Widget Simply double click this dashboard widget and it will lock you mac.

iStat nano Allows you to unnecessarily monitor the temps of your computer so you can worry if its too hot and start threads like "Is my (Insert Computer Model) too hot?":rolleyes:
Roco said:
Are there any free-ware apps. like launchbar? It seems to be a great program, but not that great to pay $20 for it.


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