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I would love a Verizon SLVR. The phone looks to be precisely what I am looking for. Unfortunately, I fear it may be a while and by that time, Cingular will have something else to make me envious. Around here, I don't think I would consider another network other than Verizon.
ckeck said:
And now its, "Welcome back to AT&T Wireless, formerly Cingular Wireless, which was AT&T Wireless in a past life...blah blah blah" :confused:
LOL. I'm still on an AWE plan, so unless I switch to a Cingular plan first it'll be amusing to have them try to tell me that I need to switch to an AT&T plan, no not the old AT&T plan, the new AT&T plan.

Funny, since AWE didn't own the rights to the AT&T WIreless Brand, and AT&T had originally intended on rolling out its own "new AT&T Wireless" network with Sprint. I guess the name change makes sense since SBC bought AT&T and just renamed itself. They're also in the process of buying out BellSouth, the other 40% partner in Cingular. So there would be no one left to object.

balamw said:
LOL. I'm still on an AWE plan, so unless I switch to a Cingular plan first it'll be amusing to have them try to tell me that I need to switch to an AT&T plan, no not the old AT&T plan, the new AT&T plan.

Funny, since AWE didn't own the rights to the AT&T WIreless Brand, and AT&T had originally intended on rolling out its own "new AT&T Wireless" network with Sprint. I guess the name change makes sense since SBC bought AT&T and just renamed itself. They're also in the process of buying out BellSouth, the other 40% partner in Cingular. So there would be no one left to object.


You know your stuff! ;)
I just wish that Cingular would come down in their family plan prices. There's no reason to charge $70 plus $10 per extra line for only 700 minutes whereas T-Mobile charges $50 plus $10 per extra line for 1000 minutes.
ckeck said:
I guess you didn't hear the latest report from the 'THIRD-PARTY WIRELESS RESEARCH COMPANY - TELEPHIA'...

"Cingular has made history after the leading independent, third-party wireless research company reported for the first time that we have the fewest dropped calls among all major U.S. wireless carriers.

Ads with this great news ran today in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and USA Today, also pointing out our network investment of over $6.6 billion and our 47,000 cell sites, the most of any network.

This achievement demonstrates that our company has crossed an important threshold.

In fact, said Chief Operating Officer Ralph de la Vega, this announcement is only the beginning.

“I want you to know that this is just the first of many more leadership firsts that you’ll see from us in the next year,” he said. “Cingular has a solid foundation that gives us a trajectory to industry leadership by every metric that matters.

"Cingular has the fewest dropped calls of any national wireless carrier. Fewer than T-Mobile. Fewer than Sprint. Fewer than Verizon. What can I say? It’s the network.”

The Cingular network has always been the biggest, especially since the merger with AT&T Wireless...and now its the best!!

By the way, we are changing back to AT&T Wireless soon...haha, just a little insider info...

hmm. never heard of that thrid party company, but I do know that Verizon invests over 1 billion dollars, every quarter @ about 5 billion a year and has done so for the past couple years. Check out this article from Businessweek magazine the CEO of Cingular said "We're probably 12 to 18 months behind Verizon today"
Jay42 said:
Cingular will have something else to make me envious. Around here, I don't think I would consider another network other than Verizon.

You think Cingular will have something cool, just take a look at all the cool phones they have overseas and then you would wish you had a GSM phone.
buffalo said:
Does anyone know if/when the Motorola SLVR might make it's way over to Verizon? I don't care about iTunes, but would love to have this phone without the music features.

I saw a Verizon RAZR and was instantly turned off, they really dumb down the software on their phones.

Ed H said:
I saw a Verizon RAZR and was instantly turned off, they really dumb down the software on their phones.


You've got a point there. I don't see anything in particular blocking Motorola from producing a CDMA Razr, but if Verizon is going to insist on a standard corporate user interface, they have GOT to do a better job of it than what they have done so far. It is as slow as molasses on the RAZR and poor even on other Moto phones and on Samsung phones -- it only works smoothly on LG. It is a BREW application that runs on top of the phone hardware rather than a true OS from what I understand. And of course it isn't very customizable -- and, due to Verizon's fetish with limiting the number of choices in any one menu, you have to plow through many menus to find what you are looking for. It's like having your very own robo-operator, and I suspect it is just as annoying.

It's a pity because Motorola phones are Mac-friendly and very standardized already within the brand. And even though Apple is a bit slow at adding the new screens (really just a matter of going into the standard script and changing the hardware ID), you can always use OnSync while you're waiting for the iSync plugin to come out.
I have the SLVR and it is sweet! Althogh I don't get good reception with it... well not as good as US Cellular's was. Any one know how to improve reception or signal?
ckeck said:
Yes, I work for Cingular.

Wanna let me know when the RAZR V3i is finally going to be released for cingular then? I get a new contract the end of april and I want to get this phone but I don't really want to pay $350 for it right now.
Riot_Mac said:
I have the SLVR and it is sweet! Althogh I don't get good reception with it... well not as good as US Cellular's was. Any one know how to improve reception or signal?

Did they give you one of our updated SIM cards when you were in the store to upgrade to the SLVR or are you using your old SIM card?

If they didn't update the SIM go back to the store and have them give you one of the new 3G SIM cards. They tend to work a little better in the newer phones.
rockandrule said:
I just wish that Cingular would come down in their family plan prices. There's no reason to charge $70 plus $10 per extra line for only 700 minutes whereas T-Mobile charges $50 plus $10 per extra line for 1000 minutes.

The Cingular 700 minute family plan includes 2 lines for $69.99 THEN $9.99 per additional line...and our plan includes rollover, m2m and n&w all for MUCH better coverage. Its a much better deal then the T-Mobile family plan.
ckeck said:
Did they give you one of our updated SIM cards when you were in the store to upgrade to the SLVR or are you using your old SIM card?

If they didn't update the SIM go back to the store and have them give you one of the new 3G SIM cards. They tend to work a little better in the newer phones.

I was a new Cingular customer. Does that make a difference? Do you think they still gave me the older SIM card?
hate them all

Where has customer service gone?

Remember when Verizon first started out? They would bend over backwards to help you with anything. Now, they are like this demon entity, which has its scaly hands wrapped around my neck, slowly suffocating me to death. Ughhhh!

This is why my house hold recently made the switch to Cingular. So far, no problems with the company, other than they wouldn't pro-rate the first month, oh well.

My wife got a Rokhr and I got a Razor. Both seemed great, and then I noticed that my Razor had an issue. It kept dropping calls, when dialing a number I would get one or two rings then an error that the call ended. This was happening with about 3 out of every 5 placed calls. I also noticed this weird high pitched up and down squeal in the background when calls did go through. So I took the phone back to the store and explained the issue, they were great and exchanged the phone for another. About a week later I pull the new Razor out of my pocket and the damn thing wouldn’t power on. It was working fine that morning, then all of a sudden nothing. So, I take this Razor back as well and exchange it for yet another. Now I am on my third Razor, in as many weeks. We’ll see how this one goes….

My question here is: Has anyone else experienced issues with the Razor? My wife has had no issues with her Rokhr. What about the SLVR? Any hardware or software issues to report on it?
bring back an old thread of mine...

Has anyone heard anything about the SLVR comming to Verizon? I'd love to get a new phone soon. Don't care for any Verizon form of music on a phone, just want something small and "cool." Everything Verizon seems to be selling in their stores now'a'days seems to be large and kind of ugly.
ckeck said:
The Cingular 700 minute family plan includes 2 lines for $69.99 THEN $9.99 per additional line...and our plan includes rollover, m2m and n&w all for MUCH better coverage. Its a much better deal then the T-Mobile family plan.

Dude, you work for Cingular, huh? You really should know better what features to push. The only advantage of Cingular is the rollover, and that's less useful if you don't get enough minutes in the first place. The coverage is only slightly better because T-Mobile phones will use almost all of Cingular's towers anyways, and there's no roaming charges to worry about. To save $20 a month and not need rollover because you actually have enough minutes is incredible.

No, I don't work for T-Mobile, I'm just a satisfied customer.

I've personally never used Verizon (mainly becuase we've never had a store around here) but now the closest store is like 1hr from my house. Anyway, a friend of mine had a Verizon phone from Illinois and it worked great! Even when we were in the classroom and my phone got like a bar, her's had full reception.

My aunt has Cingular and it works where my phone doesn't (I have Alltel; they're alright, but I've used better). She can actually use her phone anywhere in my house, whereas my phone has to be used by the window and even then I get dropped calls. I would love to switch to Cingular, but I still have another 5 months on my contract with Alltel. Even then, my parents are the one paying for the phone bill so I doubt they would ever switch to Cingular. Oh well, at least I'll upgrade my crappy LG phone to a RAZR!! :D
ckeck said:
And I don't know what Alltell is talking about. Its easy to say whatever you want on your own website...but thats certainly not true. I am impressed with their refund policy if you drop off their network - impressive...but I wonder what the catch is. They must be getting desperate...who knows :confused:

Just like what Cingular says "The network with the fewest dropped calls" and "Research done by the leading independent research company" *cough* which is probably made up *cough*

Sorry... my dad work for T-Mobile and RIM. ;)
I'm a current verizon customer and I HATE their phone selection. They have a lot of cheap, crappy phones, and anything high end they get in is 6-12 months behind any other carrier. I want to switch to a GSM network, but here's the issue. I live part time in Burlington, VT.

So, please tell me, guy who works for cingular whose name I can't remember, will a cingular phone work on a Cingular network (i.e. NOT roaming) in Burlington? I have seen people with cingular phones but I don't know if they're on the home network.

I will do anything to get out from under verizon. The only reason I'm still with them is because their extended analog network covers vermont. But since they no longer carry analog capable phones (mine is, but i have a Motorola V710 that I hate beyond hating, it's so big and clunky) that's an irrelevant feature.

If a cingular phone will honestly work in Burlington on the home network, I'll switch today. SIM cards are a feature I really want, and the GSM world phones are a huge plus because I cross the border into Canada a lot.

Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
EricNau said:
You can say that again!

Verizon got the RAZR many, many months after Cingular, and while Cingular is giving it away free, Verizon is charging hundreds of dollars for it. Not to mention they like to take features away from phones and make you pay extra for them.

9 more months left in my contract! :(
Well you're not telling the whole truth here. Cingular is selling the RAZR V3, while verizon is selling the RAZR V3c and now the RAZR V3m. These two phones are WAY different. 1.3 megapixel camera compared to .3, much more internal memory, transflash card slot, etc. It is a better model of the razr than what cingular and t-mobile are selling. They can sell the worse quality model for cheaper, because the actual phone is cheap! The verizon RAZR is more expensive than t-mobiles and ciingulars due to these reasons. And until you try or use both, you dont deserve to talk about it.
Something you have to understand about cellphone companies...
Verizon- best coverage area
Cingular- best phones
T-mobile- most minutes
Sprint- arguably best downloads
DMPDX said:
Well you're not telling the whole truth here. Cingular is selling the RAZR V3, while verizon is selling the RAZR V3c and now the RAZR V3m. These two phones are WAY different. 1.3 megapixel camera compared to .3, much more internal memory, transflash card slot, etc. It is a better model of the razr than what cingular and t-mobile are selling. They can sell the worse quality model for cheaper, because the actual phone is cheap! The verizon RAZR is more expensive than t-mobiles and cingulars due to these reasons. And until you try or use both, you dont deserve to talk about it.

In case you didn't notice, the post you quoted was from March 5th. Not sure if the RAZR's that Verizon and Cingular offer are the same now as they were back then, but if they weren't EricNau was talking about the RAZR's offered in March.

But anyways, the SLVR for Verizon... Is it comming? Can you get it any other way?
I don't know that the SLVR is coming to CDMA, but I know the RAZR K1 (the second generation RAZR) IS coming to verizon. The phone hasn't yet been released by motorola, and it's not clear whether or not the slider version of the same phone is coming to Verizon. I doubt, however, if the K1 wasn't making production, that verizon would file for Bluetooth SIG for it, so it's reasonably clear they have some kind of deal on that phone.

If it's out by december and they don't hobble every single feature, then I might stay with verizon for that phone. If they do...forget that. I'm not paying $250 for a phone that has features I can't use because verizon is greedy.
Stayed on Verizon because they have the best network, hacked my V3m into a V3c with OBEX file transfer support because I wanted Bluetooth.

If you've got some ingenuity and know where to look, you can get the best of BOTH worlds. ;)
while were on the topic of cell phones does anyone know where i can get free games for a razr?
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