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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 15, 2012
Hi Guys:
I currently have installed the Mountain Lion Golden Version, I don't have any developer account, my question is : Can I just download the appstore Mountain Lion and reinstall it in my MacBook Pro without doing anything special? Do I just download the file and install it and it will overwrite the existing files without problems? I need help, please. :confused:
Hi Guys:
I currently have installed the Mountain Lion Golden Version, I don't have any developer account, my question is : Can I just download the appstore Mountain Lion and reinstall it in my MacBook Pro without doing anything special? Do I just download the file and install it and it will overwrite the existing files without problems? I need help, please. :confused:

I guess you mean you want to re-download Lion and install it?
(Since Mountain Lion is not released yet.)

If you want to re-install Lion, it would be better to wipe the drive first.
Lion has no idea what files belong to Mountain Lion, it will only overwrite files that are present in both versions.

If you are asking if you can download and install Mountain Lion after it officially appears in the AppSore, you would have to buy it first and then should probably perform a clean install, too.

My guess is that the App Store version, once released, will not have the same build number even though nothing has really changed.

Experiments like the one you did should be performed on external USB drives that nowadays cost hardly any money.
Anyone would think the guy has just run over Tim Cooks dog!

I'm in the evil camp too - not a developer but have downloaded ML GM and have it running on a iMac that I don't use for anything too important.

From memory, when I did something similar with Lion, you can just buy the release version and it will re-install although don't expect anything too different. If not, just keep on running the GM version assuming it updates OK and simply buy a copy in the app store so you have an up to date license.

If you don't, I can't be held responsible for what the MR software licensing department might do to you ;)
Only developers should have the GM. The OP was rude for even posting. Understand now?

He was rude coming to a website that's based on Macs asking for help? This is the sort of thing the website seems to be here for, helping people. If you're not actually going to help, and just judge, you should just not post.

There's nothing rude about asking for help, just because he's doing something he shouldn't do. What is rude is wasting everybody's time with the sort of drivel that you've posted. It's time we'll never get back.
Anyone would think the guy has just run over Tim Cooks dog!

I'm in the evil camp too - not a developer but have downloaded ML GM and have it running on a iMac that I don't use for anything too important.

From memory, when I did something similar with Lion, you can just buy the release version and it will re-install although don't expect anything too different. If not, just keep on running the GM version assuming it updates OK and simply buy a copy in the app store so you have an up to date license.

If you don't, I can't be held responsible for what the MR software licensing department might do to you ;)

Thank you very much, that is what I am actually planning to do, I will buy it from the appstore and I will reinstall it. Hope everything will be fine.
He was rude coming to a website that's based on Macs asking for help? This is the sort of thing the website seems to be here for, helping people. If you're not actually going to help, and just judge, you should just not post.

There's nothing rude about asking for help, just because he's doing something he shouldn't do. What is rude is wasting everybody's time with the sort of drivel that you've posted. It's time we'll never get back.

Then don't waste your time by replying. See how simple?

MR doesn't allow illegal activity, e.g., threads about Installous, selling UDIDs to get access to developer resources, etc. Get your facts straight next time.
He was rude coming to a website that's based on Macs asking for help? This is the sort of thing the website seems to be here for, helping people. If you're not actually going to help, and just judge, you should just not post.

There's nothing rude about asking for help, just because he's doing something he shouldn't do. What is rude is wasting everybody's time with the sort of drivel that you've posted. It's time we'll never get back.

Thanks for the support and that is exactly what I expected when I came to a place like this.
Thank you very much, that is what I am actually planning to do, I will buy it from the appstore and I will reinstall it. Hope everything will be fine.

If you actually have GM installed, the App Store version won't be different. Next time, get GM honestly.
Only developers should have the GM.

Incorrect. Select customers also have had ML since day one of the first release to developers. It is called the "Apple Software Customer Seeding" program.

I don't know what the selection criteria are, but I suspect the products you own, the setting, and how you interfaced with tech support in the past plays a role. I too am curious as to what the update path is, and installs for my other Apple products. The seed docs don't say, tech support wasn't absolutely sure about it either.

All in all, it has been fun participating. I took a pass on Lion, but it did come on my wife's Air and I was not a fan of that release. Mountain Lion, on the other hand, is really, really nice.
Only developers should have the GM. The OP was rude for even posting. Understand now?

Yeah way to go thumbs up-ing your own comment. Your signature says it all. you're just being a douche you don't really care that he's "pirating" or getting software illegally. What's it to you? If he makes that choice, he pays the consequences.
Wirelessly posted

kettlecorn said:
Only developers should have the GM. The OP was rude for even posting. Understand now?

Yeah way to go thumbs up-ing your own comment. Your signature says it all. you're just being a douche you don't really care that he's "pirating" or getting software illegally. What's it to you? If he makes that choice, he pays the consequences.

Actually, he probably won't pay the consequences. People who pirate collectively hurt the economy as they are stealing but seldom get caught. Simple minded people like to think they're doing no harm because they're not stealing a tangible product.

Yeah, this guy may also buy it when it's released but who really knows. I'm sure many who pirate it will never get around to paying for it.
The OP was rude for even posting. Understand now?

The only person being rude here is you. Whether he is or is not a dev is not the issue. He asked a question. If you can't or won't answer it, then move along.

He has already made his decision to install a dev release. Nothing you or anyone else says will change that now.

Wirelessly postedYeah, this guy may also buy it when it's released but who really knows. I'm sure many who pirate it will never get around to paying for it.

So, because other people who pirate things will never get around to buying the official release, the OP is automatically guilty? And, because of this, no one should help him–he is obviously a bad person for downloading an update for his computer? Right now, aside from buying a dev account for $99, pirating is the only way to try out ML. Once it is officially released, feel free to judge away, but, until then, chill.

To answer the OP's question, the GM is the same as what will be released on the AS, so you can just buy it–paying apple for the update–without installing it since nothing will change.
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i have GM and not a developers
everything fine expect for the facebook and gamecenter not connection 4 me
The only person being rude here is you. Whether he is or is not a dev is not the issue. He asked a question. If you can't or won't answer it, then move along.

He has already made his decision to install a dev release. Nothing you or anyone else says will change that now.

When you own MR, I'll listen to you. And butting into a conversation that doesn't involve you is also rude.

I read the same rationalization by pirates in the iPhone Hacks section. Sadly, the only thing that keeps some people from stealing is the threat of getting caught. When the threat is low, their true nature oozes out.

And I already answered the OPs question.


Yeah way to go thumbs up-ing your own comment. Your signature says it all. you're just being a douche you don't really care that he's "pirating" or getting software illegally. What's it to you? If he makes that choice, he pays the consequences.

And you know I thumbs upped my post how? Answer: You don't. The only people my sig offends are those in the wagon. Those pulling it agree with it.
Wirelessly posted

Actually, he probably won't pay the consequences. People who pirate collectively hurt the economy as they are stealing but seldom get caught. Simple minded people like to think they're doing no harm because they're not stealing a tangible product.

Yeah, this guy may also buy it when it's released but who really knows. I'm sure many who pirate it will never get around to paying for it.

Theres yet to be any tangible proof that anything you just said is actual fact, and not just whining and BSing on the part of the requisite industries (RIAA, MPAA, etc.), but nice try sounding like you actually know anything.
So, because other people who pirate things will never get around to buying the official release, the OP is automatically guilty? And, because of this, no one should help him–he is obviously a bad person for downloading an update for his computer? Right now, aside from buying a dev account for $99, pirating is the only way to try out ML. Once it is officially released, feel free to judge away, but, until then, chill.

No, his act is bad because he is stealing software. It's very simple, guy. Entity A has something that it only wants others to have if they paid for a Dev account (for the most part and for the time being). Entity B decides to not pay for a Dev account and takes Entity A's product anyway.

That's theft. You can try to rationalize it any way you like but you cannot bend logic.

I swear, I cannot stand people with a warped sense of entitlement.
Theres yet to be any tangible proof that anything you just said is actual fact, and not just whining and BSing on the part of the requisite industries (RIAA, MPAA, etc.), but nice try sounding like you actually know anything.

The OP admitted he did not have a developer account. Read the first post. :rolleyes:
Stealing raises prices. That's not theory, that's fact.

Stealing a physical product does, not a digital copy of something, but if you insist upon applying the same standards for new distribution methods as we do for old, antiquated ones, how about we start charging a "digital shipping fee," or better yet, put DRM on everything on the internet since retailers put anti-theft tags on things, so its the same thing, right?
Stealing a physical product does, not a digital copy of something, but if you insist upon applying the same standards for new distribution methods as we do for old, antiquated ones, how about we start charging a "digital shipping fee," or better yet, put DRM on everything on the internet since retailers put anti-theft tags on things, so its the same thing, right?
Sarcasm changes nothing. By your 'reasoning', if it's not a physical item it should be free. Amazing.
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