Just thought that we would share some info on the status of the Moviebox updates and content errors.
From what we understand is that Moviebox is working everyday to fix broken content, and restore full use.
So when you see a update in Moviebox and nothing shows up in the update tab. I believe its meant to fix broken content. So please give it time to work out. I am sure the amount of links that has to be fixed is in the hundreds.
I see complaining about the 3.2.3 update. I want to clear up a few things. This update is meant to add the ability to add other server sources for content. So if you see no size under the link that is from the new server. So the speed should be way faster then the old server.
Also I see some complaints about AirPlay not working. From what I have seen is that a simple reset of network settings, or logging off the network that the Apple TV is on. Has helped a lot of people. A few users have had to reboot their routers.