Curious, does anyone know of a way to maybe download vShare onto a PC then someone install if from there unto my ipad?
Is it safe to install this vshare and then moviebox on a non jailbroke device? Only want this app, so could install, then remove vshare?
How long will moviebox last as seems to keep disappearing?
Only lasts a few days before it all stops working. Pita!
Oh does it, ok so pointless putting on then?
Imo it is. It's fun at first until you realise how often it stops working. It's better if you're jailbroken.
No luck. Damn looks like moviebox is losing the battle against apple. One day it works next day it doesn't. Please return soon
But it still works and plays movies without a hitch. Well it did until I upgraded to official iOS 8.3.