Personal experience with my current Smartphones:
1) Galaxy S4
2) HTC One
3) iPhone 5
4) Nexus 4
Reveals all four are very smooth and glitch free. There's virtually no difference other than the S4's superior speed. Each of the Android phones are every bit as fluid and intuitive as the iP5. On a day to day basis I find all four to be enjoyable to use.
Many reviews of the GS4 have stated that it can be quite laggy at times thanks to TW. The GS4 Google Play Edition doesn't have that problem. This is a testament to the importance of OS optimization.
I dont know your defintion for "sluggish" but to me it equates to speed.
Maybe you should re-read my post then. I told you what I consider sluggish to be.
And if an animation is played faster yet with a lower fps, that is sluggish. That is telling you the OS and hardware can't keep up with the animations it wants to do. And if the phone can't keep up with what it is supposed to do, that it sluggish.
Yes, iOS animations are slower. But it has already been shown, on the MR site as well, that there are some hidden options to speed up and slow down animations in iOS 7. And even after adjusting those attributes, you still don't drop frames.
So ultimately, both Android and iOS are capable of faster animations. It is just more prominent on Android. But lower frame rates are also more prominent on Android, making it more sluggish.
To me, fluidity and "sluggishness" are related. The more fluid, the less sluggish. If you watch a video playback at 5 fps, regardless of how fast objects are moving by, it will feel sluggish because the motion is not smooth.
Animation speeds are completely irrelevant.