This is extremely doubtful, as Apple will wait for new CPU's from Intel, and those aren't scheduled to release until Q4 2011.I figure a new machine has to be coming in 3 months or so.
hello everybody. small update. I tested the vertex 3 with the Highpoint rocket 620 and it actually DOES boot into OSX with no problems ! There are no drivers available for this card anyway. my mac pro sees the device as "unknown AHCI standard controller" listed.. I will post some detailed information soon as I am setting up my system from ground new.
I think my new setup could be quite interesting for some people here... stay tuned.
Couple of questions:
- How old is yours, and did you use a firmware update off of their site?
- Can you verify/check to see if it will also boot Windows?
I don't know if they've a firmware update for it or not either, particularly given the haphazard support/difficulty finding drivers and firmware for their products.I didn't update my card with a firmware. I didn't know there is any firmware available on their site either, also their overview of products and downloadable content is really confusing...![]()
I ordered this card when I opened this thread. That would be the 12th of April.
It will be appreciated. Thanks.I will check if it is bootable into Windows.
I did some short speed tests with the Vertex 3 via Highpoint Rocket 620. ... The results were not SATA III like, like on my MBP where I get around 500MB's R/W. More infos and tests on that later, as well![]()
hello nanofrog,
I did some short speed tests with the Vertex 3 via Highpoint Rocket 620. ... The results were not SATA III like, like on my MBP where I get around 500MB's R/W. More infos and tests on that later, aswell![]()
I'm thinking maybe this card is booting in legacy mode with no drivers or on-chip drivers for Snow Leopard? It does mention sata 1.5 in the specs. maybe it is backwards compatible and runs slower without driver support? It would not make any sense that it could boot OSX without either drivers or on board firmware that enabled that.
It uses the same Marvell controller as the Newertech 6.0Gb/s SATA card (non-RAID version = Port Multiplier support). They use OS X's SATA drivers, so they don't need their own (were designed to do this from the start). The Newertech RAID version has to use it's own drivers in order to add the Port Multiplier support.I'm thinking maybe this card is booting in legacy mode with no drivers or on-chip drivers for Snow Leopard? It does mention sata 1.5 in the specs. maybe it is backwards compatible and runs slower without driver support? It would not make any sense that it could boot OSX without either drivers or on board firmware that enabled that.
It's the firmware that's throwing me (lack of drivers isn't the issue; see above).I spoke to Highpoint and they insist that that card doesn't have mac support, nor does the non-bootable mac version of the 6G external card they sell. I reason that somehow the card you have is running in some sort of legacy or hybrid mode which is evidence from the screenshots.
If you take a closer look, the current crop of 6.0Gb/s SATA cards (i.e. Highpoint and Newertech) are PCIe 2.0 x1, so there's only 500MB/s bandwidth for the entire card.It would be nice if a 6G internal card could deliver anywhere near normal 6G speeds and be bootable, but I'm afraid we will have to wait for the new MP for that unfortunately.
Even my tests with a "bootable" ATTO card weren't too good.
When I look at seisend's SSD figures, both are off, going by reviews (Anand and Legitreviews).So why do you think he is only getting 207 on the write test with the card. What is throttling it down? Like I said, I noticed similar lower than SATA 2 write speeds when I did the limited testing on the ATTO card using a non vertex3 SATA 3 drive which used something other than sandforce. I just wish I understood why these various cards can't even do writes as fast as the native SATA 2. At least the read speeds are higher than SATA 2 specs although nowhere near the rated SATA 3 speeds.
I understand.When I tried it I used the 16x slot 2nd from bottom, just above the vid card. Tried all other slots as well. Didn't try it with my vertex 2 or 3 though. vertex 3 on sata 2 if fast enough while I await new Mac Pros for early next year.
It could even be the MP's firmware (not like this hasn't happened before).I think there are great differences between plugging in a 6G card in a mac and a comparable card in a PC probably for a variety of reasons. I am getting a bit envious of PC users having native usb3 and native sata 3 for what seems like years. I'm not giving up my MP, but it always seems to be a step or two behind in general technology. Mostly a factor of what Intel dishes (or doesn't dish) up on the workstation/server side of things. Well, that and Apple's arrogance and stubbornness in matters such as usb3 etc. Oh well...
Further information certainly wouldn't hurt (slots used, what else was running, disk models, and firmware revisions for both the card and drives). It would mean a lot of research, but it could turn up a solid answer in the end.
Maybe, but I'd expect that (no IDE drivers for OS X for that particular system <no legacy support in the SATA drivers = IDE mode>, but AHCI is present in the SATA driver for OS X). Keep in mind, SATA is built off of IDE's protocols (used IDE/PATA's commands; physical layers are totally different, and incompatible without a bridge chip to do the translating).Looks like it detects it twice, once as no driver installed IDE Controller and once as a AHCI Controller device with drivers installed. I think this is why it boots into OSX? As mentioned, the OSX based Bootdrive is a Vertex 3 120GB standard edition. Nothing else was running while testing. Also tests were done with a clean new installation. No apps installed but system UP TO DATE!
Bah.. It didn't work! Still no booting from the 620 on a 2008 mp![]()
Theres still not enough information to get a real idea as to what's going on, but I'll mention something (I know I've mentioned it before, but not sure if I did in this thread).@ nano,
i don't know anybody with a MP, as well I don't have any other SATA/eSATA card around.
I made a video to give you guys maybe more detail about everything.
edit. it's kind of annoying to me, that it is still not running at full SATA III speed.... well just for booting apps and stuff I think this is enough anyway. I think the whole setup with this PCI-E card is very nice if you want to have your storage all internally without spending too much money ! This is why I made the video. Sorry for saying 1000x "so" in the videoLet's see if others get it working,too.
It's possible.yes.
I didn't had the time this morning but I restarted my MP and then ejected all the drives via finder except my Macintosh HD which is the SSD Bootdrive. Exact same results. You think there is a difference when I eject them physically?