I can't explain it.It’s just ****** programming in Excel. Huge heavy Chrome pages with multiple embedded playing videos scroll perfectly fine on my laptop. 100 tabs in Chrome is no problem. Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, Final Cut etc all work fine at the same time.
I don’t want to use a financial file as an example, so let’s say I have a list of around 200 film names. 200 lines or so. Three columns: Name; age rating (U,PG,12,15,18); status (unseen, seen, want to watch again).
Let’s say 1000 words total, file size maybe 500KB.
Apply filtering to remove ‘seen’, and ‘15,18’, leaving maybe 100 lines visible.
Boom, jerky scrolling. For gods sake Excel, you’re just moving a bit of text up and down the screen.
Which version of Excel and os are you using? Let me know because I'd like to try this too. Thank you.
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