I would buy this in a heartbeat (ha!) if you could record fat %. I would love to see a graph for fat % as well.
i'm a noob in fitness, but how do we measure fat % on a regular basis?
I would buy this in a heartbeat (ha!) if you could record fat %. I would love to see a graph for fat % as well.
Oh -- one more thing the app definitely needs is a way to get the data out! Emailing it should be sufficient. With those two features I'd gladly spend $1.99 on it. I've been meaning to get around to making a basic $0.99 weight log app myself, but this one already has a lot of work put into the slick interface, so I needn't bother... if it gets those two critical features!
WHAT??? I tried it & it didn't weigh me at all. Then the screen cracked. I want my money back!
Sure. Here are some things you can expect in the future:
- Ability to Backup/Restore your data
- Moving Average line in the graph view
- Multiple graph views (Month/Year)
- Removal of the 90 day limitation to modify data
- Gestures to jump faster through dates/weight measurements in the scroller.
- Alternate data view with information like lbs lost to date, lbs lost per week/month, lbs. left to reach goal, etc.
- Localization
- Option to attach other details to each weight entry (notes for example)
We have a ton of ideas. Some that just didn't make it into the original 1.0 version and others we got from user feedback. The list above is probably the most requested and what we feel are most important right now.
removal of 90 day limitation to modify data ? so it actually stores more than 90 days now? I didn't get that impression. The 90 day limitation should be the next in priority especially if that is all it retains.
Some scales, in addition to measuring weight, can measure body fat via electrical impedance.