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Really like the guardian newspaper app on my iphone so hope they expand on that
Iplayer/tv catchup
Tv guide
Air video
Worms could be nice on that bigger screen
Final Fantasy

Any word on how much MLB is gonna cost? I have a feeling it's going to be expensive.
iWork suite
Flight Control (Fat Version)
Koi Point
Domino's Pizza
Chase The Dot (damn, imagine how hard the insane levels would be?)

No-one mentioned AirVideo? Shameful!

I was just thinking the same thing!

Who needs anything more than a 16 GB iPad with this app!
oh how we love reading on a backlit screen

What's wrong with that?

I have a Kindle 2 and then I d/l Amazon Reader for my touch and I was blown away just how crisp and nice it was reading on the touch! I found it a lot easier on my eyes than the kindle grayish screen.

I for one look forward to reading on the iPad.

The last update for the Kindle was a huge improvement, but I still have to have a ton of light to make reading somewhat comfortable. I will use the Kindle for out door reading and travel away from home and my iPad for in home Wi-Fi access and reading.

For all the debate I have read about e-ink verses back lit displays my sorry eyes prefer a back lit display where I can have nice crisp bold black fonts on a true white background.

So, once I get the iPad I shall have the Best of both worlds.

I just don't get slamming the backlit display for reading.

I would venture to say that Most people spend a lot more time reading on a computer display.

Regardless I will enjoy reading on the iPad. It's just more easy on my eyes indoors then the e-link display is. ;)
When I'm at home I read on my computer. When I'm out I use my Kindle 2 or my iphone. I can see my Kindle losing some of my time because I have a lot of comics in pdf and they look like crap on the Kindle. For anyone who reads a lot of illustrated books and if the ipad supplies a way to load them on, one of the pdf apps, maybe, than it's 'no contest'.
If MacGourmet (my recipe program with its own iPhone applet) doesn't update the app for iPad, I may cry, since kitchen usage is something I'm looking forward to for the iPad. (iPhone too small, Macbook takes up too much counter space.)
This thread is very premature. No one has even used an iPad yet, let alone the iPad specific apps. Based on what I've seen at the keynote, I'm very excited about the MLB at Bat app for iPad. I'm also looking forward to using Tab Toolkit and Guitar Toolkit on the iPad. They will be great to use with that larger screen, even zoomed to 2x. Zooming on the current iPhone apps didn't seem to produce blurry picture or text, which I'm hoping is indeed the case.

Even though we're early, I'll still add to the list:

MLB at Bat (iPad specific version)
Guitar Toolkit
Tab Toolkit
Navigon (wi-fi+3G iPad has GPS - the navigation/map apps will look great!)
Docs to Go
Appigo ToDo
Air Video Server
Simplify Media
Pocket Tunes
Facebook ? (will probably look and function best via Safari on the iPad)
All News apps (USA Today, AP mobile, NYTimes, NPR news, etc.)
If MacGourmet (my recipe program with its own iPhone applet) doesn't update the app for iPad, I may cry, since kitchen usage is something I'm looking forward to for the iPad. (iPhone too small, Macbook takes up too much counter space.)

I LOVE MacGourmet :D

Since there is that companion MacGourmet app for the iPhone so I assume you you can use the same app. Not sure if there will be a full featured Mac Gourmet like there is for the Mac though :confused:
Ever sine the invention of LCD computer screens, I've never had a problem with reading or using at long periods of time.

The problem for me was always CRT screens, especially those with low refresh rates, I couldn't spend more than 15 mins looking at a CRT screen with a low refresh rate without having problems.

I don't anticipate any problems with the iPad.
If MacGourmet (my recipe program with its own iPhone applet) doesn't update the app for iPad, I may cry, since kitchen usage is something I'm looking forward to for the iPad. (iPhone too small, Macbook takes up too much counter space.)

I emailed the developer of MacGourmet shortley after the iPad announcement. He said he said some ideas and was looking into an iPad version of the program. I suggest anyone interested in an iPad version email them as well, the more interest the better chance we get an iPad version
I LOVE MacGourmet :D

Since there is that companion MacGourmet app for the iPhone so I assume you you can use the same app. Not sure if there will be a full featured Mac Gourmet like there is for the Mac though :confused:

I'll be happy with the linked 'applet', especially if it'll sync off my main database the way the iPhone version done.

I emailed the developer of MacGourmet shortley after the iPad announcement. He said he said some ideas and was looking into an iPad version of the program. I suggest anyone interested in an iPad version email them as well, the more interest the better chance we get an iPad version

Thanks for the heads up!

The 'oleophobic coating' on the screen will be getting put to the test in my kitchen. :)
Simplify Media

There will not be Simplify Media for iPhone or iPad. The apps have been pulled from the App Store and service is shutting down within 3 months.

That said, many people think Apple purchased them. They are being very mysterious and have stated that they are "changing direction."

My list of must-haves (existing and upgraded):

The Weather Channel Max
Photogene (or better, new photo-editor)
SketchBook Mobile
Distant Suns
Labyrinth 2
Plants vs Zombies
Jet Car Stunts
Google Earth
MobileMe Gallery and iDisk
Here, File File
VNC - xvga res
Slingplayer / EyeTv

My list of wants (not-existing or don't know of yet)

Note taking app - sketch, text, insert pics, annotate text, etc
Preview - open, save, etc PDF files. Store and organize. I get lots of class assignments in PDF format.
Vector drawing program
Dashboard app to manage my university account
Entertainment center interface / Apple TV menu
Create interactive portfolios of my work - though Keynote might get me by

There are probably lots more that I can't think of right now or don't even know that I need yet. The app store has a funny way of helping my productivity in certain areas when I didn't even know if / how I needed the improvement.

Also - I'm not a big DJ Hero fan or anything, but I think that game would be a good fit on an iPad--wouldn't it?

Does anyone else get the feeling that they won't be filling up all 11 pages of their iPad like they do with their iPhone? I feel like my iPad will be a little less cluttered and more focused on work related tasks, with a few games that are better suited for the large display on their own page. I'll be primarily reading, surfing, writing, drawing, and showing things on it. It's more about sharing than any other Apple device.

I also hope that OS 4.0 adds user accounts!
Jaduu VNC which now called "iTeleport"

I hope to see several apps "enhanced" for the iPad such as, ESPN, an NFL app similar to the app. Guessing most of the games will work or get updated for the larger screen. Beyond that I'm pretty happy with the fact you can double the size of the app. I'm sure we will see new things not even possible on the iPhone due to the small screen, so it should be fun.

Oh, and I really hope to see some cool Magazines like the ESPN demo.
Crosswords (Standalone, Inc)
Beejive IM
Photoshop Elements (a version appropriate to the iPad)
Some sort of file manager utility, for creating folders and organizing files ; )
Burning Monkey Solitaire
...and I hope GoToMyPC will work on the iPad. It doesn't work with the browser on the iPhone.
MacFamilyTree or Reunion (this device will be killer for genealogy researchers)
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