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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2008
So I did it and finally jailbroke my phone. I have been trying out different themes and such, but my question for the people who have jailbroken their phone long ago, what are some must have apps, themes, etc. that I should definitely try for my new jailbroken phone?
I grabbed intelliscreen already, and love that now I can see my calendar events right on the wallpaper, this is one ting I missed from my old ATT Tilt phone. Now I have it again. What else would you recommend? Thanks!!!
Open SSH
Boss Prefs

If you are on, definitely get Scrobble.

Does anyone know how much Scrobbler drains the iPhone battery more? Like I really want to use that program but I don't want my battery life to take a hit.

I also recommend Doom, psxiphone or w/e, nes, and gbpsphone (gba emulator)

But the list TheConfuzed1 posted is basically the best apps for jb.
I would definitely get PdaNet. Being able to surf the net on my laptop when i am away from Wi-Fi is amazing.

Also I would take a look at Veency. VNC is a little laggy, but being able to use my laptop keyboard to type long emails and those darn complex repos! Until apple includes copy/paste, this is the only way I am going to insert repos now. :D
SBSettings is a must if you constantly need to turn on/off Bluetooth, Wifi, Airport, etc.

The funny think about JBing is that there really isn't all that many good apps. I'd say 50% is theming. I'm honestly not impressed by what's out there.

Of course, the potential is amazing. It basically turns your iPhone into an infinitely useable handheld computer.
Of Course Cydia
Air Horn
Boss Prefs
BossPrefs Safari DL Cont
Extended Preferences
Five Icon dock
Make it Mine
Mobile finder
Mobileinstallation Patch
PdaNET 1.33 (1.4 is a trial then $30)
to name a few
I have thought about getting backgrounder, but I figured it would demolish my battery life. I'm assuming you have it installed, if so, have you noticed a significant change in battery life?

it can but considering there is no alternative, I just don't keep apps running in the background for too long
I have thought about getting backgrounder, but I figured it would demolish my battery life. I'm assuming you have it installed, if so, have you noticed a significant change in battery life?

I recall reading that if you hold down the home button for say 10 seconds it kills all apps that are running
What I would like to know is - If I jailbreak, Can I use Skype under fring over 3G rather than Wi-fi ???
yes you can use fring over 3g.

bruinsrme, i tried adding,, and but none of them work. Are you sure that is the right spelling and everything for the repository?

Does anyone know how much Scrobbler drains the iPhone battery more? Like I really want to use that program but I don't want my battery life to take a hit.

I've never used Scrobbler, but I have had Scrobble since the first minute that I was jailbroken, and I've not noticed a drain at all.

Whatever it is, it's negligible.
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