ATV stuck in Anchorage for more than a day....went from Boise....overnight. And now it's on a truck for delivery less than 24 hours after leaving Alaska.
Good recovery....kudos to FedEx... Now I get to enjoy the ATV all weekend. Oct. 5th delivery on Oct. 1st.
Yeah, I remember ours being in Anchorage around the same time. For some reason, mine still says "Oct 1, 2010 2:20 AM Arrived at FedEx location NEWARK, NJ" as the most recent update. It seems that the vast majority of people are receiving their ATV shipments the day after they leave Anchorage. 99 times out of 100, anything that gets to Newark before 5:00 am, arrives at my doorstep that same day. I'm still holding out hope *fingers crossed*.