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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
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:D :D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
CanadaRAM said:
Oh geeze, I'm imagining the next 2 seconds of that story -- hope the lens cleaned up OK ... ;) :D

LOL! Mercifully that was not an issue! The little bugger just flew faster than I could pan with my camera! Happily, I did get some other shots which included an entire bird (or two or three)...







macrumors 65816
Dec 23, 2004
Charleston, IL
CanadaRAM said:
Oh geeze, I'm imagining the next 2 seconds of that story -- hope the lens cleaned up OK ... ;) :D

lol, I like your initial picture and your second from last picture.

To hell with it, I like them all! nicely done


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
I had great hopes for this thread when I saw the title, then I find it's the feathered variety. I won't lie to you, I feel cheated, cheated I say!



Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
Flowbee said:
It makes a cool desktop!
I agree.

But more than that... it's so eerily still. But there's also a good chunk of detail (love the translucency of the tail feathers)-- I mean, surely, she took a picture of a stuffed bird! It can't be real. :D


I also love that first picture! That's the kind of compositions I try to take on purpose....:D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
Abstract said:
I like this one. :) If you got a bit closer, it would have been perfect though.

And yeah, I also like the original pic.

Thanks! Hee, hee, if I'd gotten any closer I would've been in the drink! The photos were all shot from my second-story deck, which overlooks a small lake. I think my birthday present to myself this year is going to be a longer telephoto lens, as I've got just the 70-200m VR and the 18-200mm VR. Yesterday, though, when I first went out there I still had the 105mm on the camera from a previous still life shoot, having grabbed it in a hurry, and decided to see how well I could do with that first. I think that's the one which was on the camera when I shot the "tail" image. Then I put the 18-200 on so that I could see how it does with rapidly moving subjects. Normally when I'm out on the deck I have the 70-200 on, as it does pretty well if the birdies fly close enough to me. This lot I lured by tossing bread into the water. That gets the gulls flying madly all around in a hurry, but it's hard to clutch the camera in one hand, toss the bread with the other hand and then be ready to shoot as they quickly swoop down on the bread. The colorful shot with the three gulls was before I started tossing the bread... The color is caused by the reflection of the townhouses across the lake and it was a late-afternoon sun....

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
devilot said:
I agree.

But more than that... it's so eerily still. But there's also a good chunk of detail (love the translucency of the tail feathers)-- I mean, surely, she took a picture of a stuffed bird! It can't be real. :D

LOL! Man, wouldn't that have been neat if I could've gotten the whole gull? Boy, those babies fly fast!

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
iGary said:
You'd enjoy the Nature and Wildlife Forums at Fred Miranda.

I tend to spend time at Nikon Cafe, and there are a couple of forums there where all the guys with their big 400mm and 500mm bazookas and 2x teleconverters and heavy tripods display their gorgeous images of exquisite birds either flying or tiptoeing around in the weeds and marshlands.... Just for fun I also posted my "Best Ever Bird Photo" in that forum, too. LOL!

I keep meaning to have a closer look at the Fred Miranda forums, as I've heard they're really good and that a lot of pros hang out there. Thanks for the reminder!


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
Lau said:
I also love that first picture! That's the kind of compositions I try to take on purpose....:D
Of if you got the whole gull you could just crop out the rest of it. ;)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
Josh said:
That's a pretty lucky shot! Good job!

I probably would have ducked for cover :p

Yeah, he looks closer than he actually was, but I think I could've touched him if I'd reached out and hadn't had both hands on the camera madly trying to pan to keep up with him and capture him (on memory card).


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Clix Pix said:
(butt shot)

:D :D

I have a lot of UW fish photos that look like that too.

Here's a recent (last month) photo...we call it "Bird Feeder", since it was taken at our bird feeders...


Granted,people do get a bit confused when we explain that our objective is to feed birds...which includes attracting birds to feed BIGGER birds!

(FWIW, the victim was a blackbird in this case. No great loss :D)

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