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macrumors 603
Jan 28, 2005
American Riviera
I really like the photo of the ring, casting the heart-shaped shadow.
The site is nice, but navigation is not as intuitive as possible. I look forward to seeing how it comes along. Best of luck.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2004
Abstract said:
The font you used for 1, 2, and 3 is the most annoying thing ever. They don't even go with the rest of your site, like the other text, for example.
Oh, that means 1, 2, 3... I thought it was I S E or something like that ;-)
Apart from that, I really like the photos.. what equipment do you use?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
weg said:
Oh, that means 1, 2, 3... I thought it was I S E or something like that ;-)
Apart from that, I really like the photos.. what equipment do you use?

Just a D70s nothing too fancy

AND I UPDATED THE SITE USING NEW NAVIGATION BUTTONS, FIXED GRAPHIC (*crosses fingers*), and everything else that was are the changed?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
rickvanr said:
FYI:: 'Page 2 Outdoor: Brush stroke' is the wrong image.

Great photos. Simple, yet elegant site. I like it. :)


Thank you for the comment

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Really nice site -- beautiful images, beautifully displayed.... I love the way you tilted a couple and did the reflections thing. I haven't tried messing with that yet. I did finally start up an experimental site in iWeb just to see how easy/difficult it might be. I am definitely a novice at this sort of thing, the exact sort of consumer that Apple was targeting with iWeb, but even so I felt a little frustrated with the templates and not being able to do things exactly the way *I* wanted.
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